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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ†

in #engagement β€’ 5 years ago

Auch, 209 points between me and the 10th position!!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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Bravissimo, Mad! πŸ‘

!BEER celebration❓ πŸŽ‰ 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Grandissimo anche tu, mi sei arrivato vicinissimo, un'incollatura solamente dietro a me, e certo che dobbiamo celebrare, per provare la settimana prossima l'ingresso nella Top Ten, ragion per cui alzo al cielo in tuo onore una splendida !BEER

Posted using Partiko Android

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Hey @amico, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

11 is nice for the SBI and no self-vote so it's not so bad :D

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Hey @mad-runner, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!