The coffee TOUR spending HBD with hiver friends.

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The perfect moment to learn about coffee and share with new friends of HIVE, we did a coffee tour, where we were shown important parts about the coffee grown in the coffee region of Colombia, one of the main coffee growing countries in the world, and certainly the third in the world, growing an arabica variety, a little rare but one of the best, for aroma, acidity, depending on your taste.

El momento perfecto para aprender del café y compartir con nuevos amigos de HIVE, hicimos un café tour, donde nos mostraron partes importantes sobre el café que se cultiva en la region cafetera de Colombia, uno de los principales paises caficultores del mundo, y con certeza el tercero del mundo, cultivando una variedad arábica, un poco rara pero de las mejores, por aroma, acidez, dependiendo de tu gusto.



As we were introduced to the coffee in this factory it was from the fruit, a rather lengthy process before reaching our cups, which is fascinating to learn about, it is a lot of work behind a simple cup of coffee, as many see it, but there really are people doing their best to bring to our homes the best aroma of the morning.

Como nos presentaron el café en esta fabrica fue a partir de la fruta, un proceso bastante prolongado antes de llegar a nuestras tazas, lo cual es fascinante aprender al respecto, es un gran trabajo detrás de un simple taza de café, como muchos lo ven, pero realmente hay personas haciendo lo mejor de si para traer a nuestras casas el mejor aroma de la mañana.



The best part was to take HIVE to this coffee shop, where we also did the tour with people who are part of HIVE which made it more interesting, to create connections and share with people with the same interests, with the same ambitions and of course being from the same community.

La mejor parte fue llevar a HIVE a esta cafetería, donde también hicimos el recorrido personas que formamos parte de HIVE lo que lo hizo mas interesante, para crear conexiones y compartir con personas con los mismos intereses, con las mismas ambiciones y claro que siendo de la misma comunidad.



There were many positive things that came out of this coffee tour, I want to highlight that the reason why we were so many people together from various places and countries, is because of the Blockchain Summit Latam 2024 event that took place in Colombia, and of course this event also promotes that this specific coffee shop accepts HBD as a payment method and that's not all, you can receive up to 60% cash back by paying with HBD in the selected places, more and more businesses are joining the advances that brings us the web 3.

Hubieron muchas cosas positivas que surgieron de este tour cafetero, quiero destacar que la razón por la que estuvimos tantas personas juntas de varios lugares y paises, es por el evento de Blockchain Summit Latam 2024 que se llevo a cabo en Colombia, y claro esta que este evento también se promueve que esta cafetería en especifico acepta HBD como método de pago y eso no es todo, puedes recibir hasta un 60% de cash back pagando con HBD en los lugares seleccionados, cada vez son mas los comercios que se unen a los avances que nos trae la web 3.

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I want to emphasize that this project that allowed us to enjoy this great experience and is growing more and more in our community was made possible thanks to @thedistriator, bringing innovation to more people, with its speed and efficiency.

Quiero hacer énfasis en que este proyecto que nos permitió gozar de esta gran experiencia y esta creciendo cada vez mas en nuestra comunidad se hizo posible gracias a @thedistriator, llevando innovación a mas personas, con su rapidez y eficacia.

WRITTENING: By me / Por me.
PICTURES: By me / Por me.
LOCATION: Café de la Fonda, Bogotá, Colombia.


You had a nice time, learning about coffee and enjoying a delicious cup of the dark stuff. I really liked the photos, everything looks very nice and organized.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Happy day.

Everything was perfect! The smell, the energy, the people, and also the payment method 🤭
Thanks for enjoy!
Happy day!

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by.

It might be in your best interest to check this recent community update linked below.

Coffee Press Release and Community Update

There is a translated version in the comments section of that linked post.

We trust that you will find it useful.

Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see coffee hulled held and sorted from black bits and pieces. This is something I do at our coffee farm. Super happy to see that you are learning more about coffee. ☕️ The community behind coffee is quite massive from farmers to curing works, continuing with the roasters, cafes and so many traders and processors right in the middle.✨

I learned to love the coffee to much! Specially when I took the time to enjoy part of the process before a cup of coffe, it is magic behind, and all the people behind

Nice team and perfect moment ✨

Thanks, we had a good experience learning and testing 👏🏻❤️

So cool and fun. I'm sure a coffee lover you are very happy with the experience. Hehe. So amazing you are woth fellow Hivers too. Hope the day will come where we can also attend something amazing like this.

Right! It is so cool to enjoy the coffee with HIVER friends in the city and also we had something in common, we spend HBD for this coffee and desserts 👌🏻

this is a very united group, it's hard to get the sense of unity that you guys do, so let's hope they get along all the time.

Wow qué experiencia bella... Se ve que les explicaron a detalle cómo llevan el placer a la mesa ☕. Me gustó mucho cómo presentan todo tan clásico preservando la cultura por encima de todo 😍.

Gran post. Saludos! 🙌

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