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RE: OMG ETH and XRP have to leave the Steemit Homepage! There is something wrong with the picture steemit is pushing, Alt Agendas don't belong on the Homepage!

in #steemit6 years ago

You brought up an interesting question. Can it it is worth placing on dpoll?


I was just looking at it from a liability standpoint. Corporations should always try to limit their liability. Whatif some whale somewhere someday decides to sue steemit for slinging securities in the future? We know XRP is not a security, or do we? Who knows what the eye of the law will say in the future. They would use this as exhibit #1! You know those lawyers are tricky, I was just looking out for our best intrests!

For sure, steemit should be run by the users. See what the yeas or nays are!You would think all we do is vote, why not vote for everything, have it on the blockchain, no more quabbling! I have not had time to look into polling, but it is for sure something I am going to get into one day! If there is even a slight risk is it worth it?