It is rather important, one of the points above that if they comment on a post to vote on it. I have had so many people comment and not vote and I am not alone in just seeing it as spammy however it is intended. Good guide!
Ah yes, the comment with no vote. Its long been a big bugbear of mine. Some think that it's not relevant but it shows some decency I think.
I still get repeat commenters and they generally get ignored, some having a decent amount of SP.
I have mellowed a little on the small accounts, as they have little SP and RC's but I always notice this.
It is a huge bugbear of mine. The excuses are always terrible and usually expose the spammieness. Lol, the big SP holders are the worst when they do it right enough
The big SP holders... I get a few but not as many as I would like. I do know what you mean though and I have seen this on other's posts.
The big SP holders that visit me (and are bigger than me) are generally regulars and always vote.
Dyou know I've never checked to see if commenters have voted. I just generally assume they have!
Although most of my commenters are regulars. Sure it'll be more of an issue WHEN we hit mass adoption!
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I used to never check until back in the day when steem was mooning up to 8 dollars and I noticed it almost by accident that people were just commenting like mad to make dollars worth from comment upvotes. It was bizarre and a little insulting. Ever since I kinda check if they are unfamiliar to me and it's astonishing to find so many sometimes!
People were commenting like mad....back in the day when steem was mooning
That paints such a bleak picture of the steem network, but I guess RCs to the rescue to an extent!
I guess with your SP and rep you are still gonna pick them up now.
Funnily enough I'm getting more into commenting more than ever now, and even commenting on comments.
Cheers for the follow, they're hard to come by these days!
You are very welcome!!
It is a bit grim. Sometimes It can make you feel negative because a lot of the people who are really active here now haven't seen what happens when the price goes nuts. Essentially people go nuts too.
I love commenting, it's flipping magic. I do think the key to success is commenting so hats off to ya. Look forward to reading your shit as it were!
@slobberchops has mentioned this to me many times. I don't worry so much about it and don't generally check. Whether a redfish comments on my post makes almost no difference to what I make. I would rather they give their vote to someone who needs it more. In many cases I would rather have a good comment than a small vote. Of course I don't object to a big vote :)
Yeah, it's not the value, it's more of the principle. As in, what harm does it do for them to vote regardless of the size.
I do agree, a good comment is worth it's weight in gold. For those people I tend to advise them that it can be seen as spammy but in the nicest possible way.
The ones in question that I really hate though are the ones which barely relate to the post and are just some generic words slopped together angling for a random upvote on said comment. I find them offensive. Hehe. But I can be a gnarly character.
And who doesn't love a whopper! :0D
A generic comment on my posts is likely to get nothing, but I really do not get many of those. The spam rate on Steem is much lower than I might expect given there is a chance to earn from it.
With redfish/minnows they do not have a lot to give out in votes, so I am happy if it goes to people who need it. I have been encouraging that as part of #TenKMinnows. I tell them to not vote on my posts, but they still do. That has no bearing on what votes I give them.
It is indeed low now. My opinion stems from the time the steem price was high and it was a massive problem then, people were creating many many accounts to farm comment upvotes. If I recognise someone then I am not so fussed. I only get gnarly when I don't recognise the name but I recognise the behaviour.