There is a path that is perfect for you.
One filled with love,
with joy,
with happiness
the strange part is that path is always known
the hard part is giving yourself permission to take it
Are you worthy of living a life full of love and joy?
Life is challenging.
Let's simplify it.
Our goal is to discover our core themes.
As we start to build our bank account of self awareness, we can make decisions that are in alignment with who we truly are.
Let's begin!
Imagine yourself as a child once more.
Floating through time and space.
No worries.
No obligations.
In this strange world you can move anywhere, at any time.
Your abilities are only constrained by your imagination.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
write these things down as they come to mind
Continue to play in this space.
Let your mind wander.
What have you discovered?
You have seen what you needed to see.
It is now your job to integrate this new wisdom.
This simple meditation can shift our mindset.
In our adult life we inhibit thoughts in order to accomplish key goals.
This is important.
If we can not focus on the short term we will never be able to get work done ...
when we fail to step back and look at the bigger picture we can lead ourselves down paths that are not in alignment with our lives.
As with everything, balance is key.
You can use this exercise to uncover desires and themes that have gone unnoticed.
Over time you can begin to integrate these ideas into your day to day life.
The stories your mind creates will change over time.
With practice you will create a life style that is in alignment with your truest self.
Thank you for joining me today on this journey.
I work as a life coach, helping individuals just like you create lifestyles that are healthier and more fulfilling.
If you are interested in working with me, send me a message on telegram @j00ze.
If you are interested in hearing my opinion on the results of your meditation, send 5 SBD to @metama
and I will analyze your dream.