Wibson is a blockchain-based, decentralized data marketplace that provides the infrastructure for individuals to securely and anonymously sell private information that is validated for accuracy. Wibson is built upon a set of core principles: transparency, anonymity, fairness, censorship-resistant, and the individual’s ultimate control over the use of their personal information.
>> https://www.stateofthedapps.com/dapps/wibson
Once you visit the website of Wibson you will face this message. Which means that each data matters, each data is worth a penny. If you want to give it a try you can start with download the application for your phone, at the moment it works just for Android.
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wibson.wallet&referrer=utm_source%3Dwibsonsite%26utm_medium%3Dwibsonsite%26utm_term%3Dna%26utm_content%3Dhomepagelink%26utm_campaign%3Dwibsonapp
The present economy that we are in, the data are approaching in the cash. Sadly this is not a cash for you. This is a problem that we face nowadays. Goliath tech organizations astutely utilize the Internet's basic specialized conventions to catch and control your own data.
The Wibson information commercial center gives framework and money related motivating forces to people to safely sell private data that is approved for precision, all without yielding individual security.