For thousands of years, medicinal plants have been thrived in various natural areas. Nevertheless, people do not know all the secrets that nature provides. It is not enough to know the plant and its general characteristics, but we also need to know when is the right time to harvest the plants. Today we will have a look at "Olive tree" (Latin name: Olea sativa).
Olive grows mainly in the Mediterranean region and can reach up to several meters in height. This ancient tree with green-colored leaves of elongated shape also bear fruits called olives. Both leaves and fruits are high on the scale of useful value in herbal medicine in herbalists.
The full crown of the olive tree shines silver greenish, and the trunk is light grayish in color. The leaves are smooth on the upper side, and the fruits have a fleshy and greasy interior. The leaves of the trees are harvested in the spring before they bloom. The plant as a whole contains the following ingredients: oil, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, protein, iron, zinc, chromium, selenium, beta-carotene, amino acids and other minerals.
Olive fruits, also called olives, have a rejuvenating effect and are especially useful for the production of olive oils. It is important to emphasize that the most recommended oil extraction process is with a cold pressing. Olive oil helps us lose weight, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and is often used as a dressing supplement or as an integral part of vegetable dishes.
Olive leaves hide the health richness of 30 types of antioxidants and phenolic compounds. As is well known, antioxidants protect the human body against free radicals and inhibit cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatic diseases and dementia suppression. By using tea leaves or other types of beverages, we strengthen ourselves: the immune system, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and speed up metabolism. In the form of massage oil and creams, you can moisturize your skin, flush your redness and protect yourself from UV rays. Leaf extract also increases our energy levels and helps in cleansing the body. The versatile use of leaves offers an original alternative to the overall improvement and protection of our health.
Tea is prepared by grinding the dried olive leaves into smaller pieces, which are then picked up with one teaspoon. We should then pour boiling water over the herbs on the spoon and wait about 10 minutes and finally strain the liquid. Tea prepared this way is recommended to enjoy up to 3-times a day. The leaves can also be used to make a tincture with a stronger concentrated effect.
One interesting thing to mention is the Olive tree story:
In the cradle of human civilization (ancient Greece), this plant was first observed. According to mythological legend, goddess Minerva is supposed to bring this plant to the earth as a gift to humanity. The winner of the Olympics received an olive oil amphora for the award.
Of course, it is strongly recommended that you discuss all the information regarding herbs with your doctor or pharmacist.
It can be said that Olive is a plant that helps with many health problems and is therefore noteworthy for a deeper observation.