If I could be in 50 places at once I'd visit more. If my voting power didn't go to shit as the value declined, I would have been giving more. Lately most of my curating has been voting my own comment section and burning through my power that way.
Lately most of my curating has been voting my own comment section and burning through my power that way.
Ah, just add me to your autovotes, READ my posts in deferred time and earn a megazillion tokens more in 'curation' rewards as me & everyone else is doing it.
The new strategy and key thing here is never READ anything in real time but in deferred time. };)
Who the fuck can read, digest & really appreciate a post within a 'curation' framework of barely five minutes to vote?
I don't use autovoter services. I read shit and vote if I like it. Or I look at art and vote. Most artists ignore me here when I comment. That's kind of annoying.
I don't really care about that window. I just vote whenever. Most of my highest curation rewards come from late votes.
Yeah, I used to do that same as you. But since I had way less support and do$h as you, after EIP I had no choice but use autovoter services and change a bit my gamification here unless I'd have preferred and enjoyed famine better. };)