Where do you spend your HBD ? SilverGoldBull.com

in #spendhbd11 months ago (edited)

It would be great if we could get SilverGoldBull to add HBD to their long list of Cryptos people could use to buy Gold and Silver coins.

At the moment they accept, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin … others ( See below)

Let’s all send them an email asking them to accept HBD.

Hive Backed Dollars.




Posted using Bilpcoin


It would be even better if people would start selling silver and gold on the Hivelist.Store that already accepts HBD, BTC, BCH, and XMR... Wish I had the funds to buy up a bunch to resell, but I just bought 3D printers, haha.

That would be even better.

Posted using Bilpcoin

Yeah it would be. Wish I had my old stack and I would be doing just that. Had to sell a few years ago though.

The problem with selling metals like that is the lack of margin that you can get. It’s almost not even worth it.

You have to buy the dips on Silver and Gold and Hold them for 20 years .... sell at the Top and you do ok.

Hello :)

If you are going to use the #speandhbd tag, please follow the steps of the initiative. It has to be a 3speak video. Avoid using the tag if it doesn't follow the steps.

Check the guidelines here: https://peakd.com/spendhbd/@threespeak/spendhbd-initiative

Woops. … I was posting via Twitter prompt. Didn’t see the rules.

Posted using Bilpcoin

No worries, thank you for understanding :)