Some birds, mountains and the moon.

A bit of a mix today to show you some beauties.

The Fiscal delivered a song performance, but I didn't know what he was singing about.

Some birds mate in the early winter period, so that their young will be born during the later part of winter. This is done in order for the young to gain strength at the start of the spring season. Then the young will mature during the summer season, have a ball, find a beloved, and they will then breed in the next winter season. Nature works in a circular, recycling fashion since time began, and only mankind can finally destroy this.
I don't like to think about nuclear bombs and such, as I rather enjoy my life in the present, come what may.

So, I tried to get the moon as a background for the pictures, but sadly, the focus of the moon was not clear.



Here below was the reason for the Fiscal's call, as his beloved appeared. But he played hardball, and he turned his back on her. Showing her that he was not happy, as she should be at his side at all times. Lol.

And then there was the moon in focus.

And finally, 2 mountain sunset shots.
I love to see that warm glow on the mountain during this period, before the sun disappears, and the plan is to find a dam that will show a reflection of the sunlit mountain in the water.


There are a few dams that surround the mountain, but the problem is that most are on farms and privately owned. In order to get the ideal spot for the sunset reflection in the water is a real mission, and I can only hope that I will find something good. We have an abundance of nature here, and it's just a pity that we cannot all share the special views. But I can understand the situation, as many criminals are roaming around, and they are always on the lookout for something to steal. We have some very bad instances of farm attacks that have cost people to lose their lives, so one can never be too careful. There is always the good and the bad in all situations, and we must try our uttermost to stay on the good side.
But in saying all of this, I am just a man that focusses on showing you the beauty in our country.
Such is life.

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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birds watching


Glow is always special at the end of day, seeing change in birds here again with those who nest through winter starting to pair up.

Have a wonderful Sunday with warm greetings from Durban !LUV

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Yep, and we love that warm glow, even if the temp was only 23C. 3 Pairs of birds preparing nests, laughing doves in the granadilla fence, ringneck doves and mossies in a tree across the road, where the Harrier Hawk loves to visit. But I will keep an eye out for him as usual.

A peaceful Sunday also to you guys and all of the best for the new week !LUV

joanstewart, papilloncharity sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Birds life ever present, ever changing I share in my content some that appear. Sighted a pair of Crowned eagles above last week, too slow to capture they were reasonably high up as well. Nice to know they nesting in large trees in region, we need then to cull some monkeys down naturally.

Such a pity that you couldn't get the crowned eagles on camera. Oh yes, but we have to keep a constant eye for the arrival of that Harrier Hawk. It's going to be difficult to get rid of the monkeys. They struggle here in Pringle Bay with baboons and people are even wearing outfits and masks to try to scare them off. !LOLZ

The area they roost in is not a safe place to visit, they tend to move between the river and where they have young possibly again this year.

Baboons are scary when they move through in troops, not easy to control man will never chase them from their routes.

So sad that we all cannot visit certain areas, as if we could, you will be sure to find the young in their nest with your camera.

Baboons were here first, and it is their territory that was invaded by man. Simple as that, but not so simple, as man wants to kill them, without realizing that man was an intruder in their space. Many years ago, the famous town of Franschhoek was once called the valley of the elephants, as hundreds of elephants fed on the trees there when they passed through the valley. Now the valley is occupied by a town, and the elephants were eradicated.
Such is life.

Too much destruction by people, negative footprint in most places.

Very worrying, as nature stands in the way of profit for the developers.

Wow!... Fantasitc shots @papilloncharity friend!!!... Like a lot!!!! Thanks!

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We get to see many such special and natural things inside the hilly area and you work so hard to make so many beautiful pictures, I like them all very much.

Oh yeah, there are wonderful birds to find in the hilly areas, and also in the mountains.
I don't mind the work, as it is always worth it, and I am glad that you like the photos. !LOL

Yeah you are right.

Hermoso 🐦🤩

Thank you !LUV

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