Beyond the Keyboard There is Magic .:. HiveBeeCon Recap, Kraków, Poland

in BuzzParty Meet Hive!last year

I don't know even where to begin with writing this post, especially after so many great posts by other event participants, and I suppose I will repeat many things that they said! The whole event was very "spontaneous", and I bet that in the end, it was beyond anyone's expectations... So many people showed up, that whenever we went, we would "overcrowd" others... HIVE was assimilating Kraków while Hivians were there! Everything happened so fast, the event announcement happened less than a month before, and those who came didn't hesitate a lot to go or not... You WANT to have these people as friends as they are real action-takers!

One of my photos from the salt mine excursion on Saturday morning, October 7th

Like many others, I had the same problem with taking photos from the event... Immediately as I meet someone, we start to talk and everyone forgets about phones, cameras... So, I didn't take many photos at all! 😱 If you want to see group photos, check out the #HiveBeeCon big photo post and if you would like to take a 3D Tour around the HiveBeeCon Saturday meetup, check this out this post and follow the link inside the post!


One (or a couple) of photos that I HAD to take, were the photos of @mipiano playing piano "concert" for the audience... 😃



Some of them were afraid to sit in the front row, so they were standing behind...


I was lucky enough that I had a chance to come back to the place where we had a main event for another two days! On Sunday and Monday, we were invited to visit The Kingdom (Królestwo Bez Kresu, or KBK, @krolestwo), so I had a chance to take more photos of the place itself (as I missed doing so in the first place! 😃)... You will find photos in between these lines...


I have already written half of this post in the comments all around the #HiveBeeCon tag posts in the last couple of days, so if you read them all, please don't mind if I repeat myself... The general idea of going to this event was to meet a couple of Hivians, get to know them better, and have some fun... As the premise was that the group would be small, it would be perfect to meet everyone and talk with every single person... But, that didn't happen as there were over 40 participants at the event!!! Some of them were outside HIVE and were surprised to see so many people at KBK, but they have been "assimilated" easily among positive and friendly Hivians! 😃 HIVE POWER!!!


So, despite that idea of meeting them all, I haven't managed to do so... again... So, we will have to go again and meet the rest (what a great excuse for a new meeting!)... Some of the locals came to the event and stayed a short time which was another obstacle to enjoying their company... While others, like myself, @mipiano, and @edje were coming over and over again to the KBK for 3 days in a row... They couldn't get rid of us! 😂


I'm deep into the post and I didn't even start with it... 😃 So, we came to Kraków by plane on Friday morning, after getting up at 3:30 AM! Luckily, we were able to enter the apartment before the official check-in and that gave us an hour or two extra that we used to take a rest... The first person that we met in Kraków was @edje, the Dutch guy that @mipiano knew from HIVE for a long time and that I had just a few exchanged comments... The thing is that the guy "stuck" with us the whole time during our stay in Kraków, and in the end, we called him the "adopted son"! 😃

I remember that we had some different opinions about certain things in the past and we had plenty of time to go over all of them in real life... I enjoyed his company as I always enjoy having debates with others who have different views than me... That's the best way to learn new things, to get a different perspective, and to better know and understand others! It was such a pleasure meeting you, @edje!


We went for a walk around the town, the Wisla (Vistula) river, and the castle... After that, we went back to the town to meet @livinguktaiwan and her husband Simon! After meeting LUT in Amsterdam at last year's HiveFest, this was the second time that we met... Last year, we didn't have too much time to talk, and we had to make it up this time... You would never believe that there is so much energy in that tiny person! 😃 When you meet her on HIVE, you will notice how she is everywhere! Creating great content, engaging with others, showing others their good side, helping everyone... Well, she isn't different in real life either! It was a pleasure to meet her (again) and her husband!


The very next day, the plan was to go to the Wieliczka Salt Mine (the first photo of this post was taken there... I will create an additional post(s) in the future about that excursion!), and a couple of us arranged to meet at the train station in the morning and travel together! Great idea to get some additional time for a talk and meetings! So, the #HiveBeeCon wasn't just a meetup but rather a chain of meetups!!!

At the train station, we met @delishtreats and her husband Stefan... The same as with LUT, I met her in Amsterdam, but I think that we barely exchanged a couple of words there, so this was another great opportunity to fix that... :) We had a great talk on the train, but also later at the event and in our walks around the town... I was joking in one of the comments at the posts from #HiveBeeCon that I had more talks with "non-Hivians" as her husband isn't on HIVE... yet... 😃

I had a great time talking with Stefan and I can easily replace one of my childhood friends with him and I wouldn't even notice! It was just amazing how you can connect with some people in just a few hours... Both of them were great and I'm sure that we will meet again in the future!


At the train station, we met another person that I met in Amsterdam! Last year, I met @zirochka, but we didn't have time to talk as the time was very limited... Also, she was going through a very hard period in her life and I suppose that was a very "mixed feelings" event... Hivians were showing support, but she had her husband far away from her...

She is another "small person" (by height 😀), but such a big person by heart!!! Always has a nice word for everyone, despite the problems that she carries on her own back... It was a pleasure meeting you @zirochka and I know that we will meet again!


Inside the train to Wieliczka, we met another two Hivians, @priyanarc, and @blind-spot! I have a very "dear memory" of these two guys... When I went to Amsterdam last year, they were the first HIVE people that I saw there, in front of the venue, with those red HIVE bags! I will never forget that! Also, they were one of the first people that I met on HIVE when I joined the chain... How great is that?! What is further interesting (what I have commented to @blind-spot at the lunch in Wieliczka) is that I clearly remember one of his posts that he wrote in Ukraine, before this ugly war...

They both are such dear people, with so different perspectives, but still so connected and bonded with each other, and the whole HIVE! We were talking about some hard topics, but we also had a lot of fun and laughs together... Meeting you for the second time was great and somehow, I know that we will get together for the third time, and fourth, and more...


We arrived at the Wieliczka Salt Mine, where we met with the rest of the group... Not everyone was able to get there, but a lot of us did, which was another great meetup, 130 meters under the ground! We met there @gtg, the "big boss" and the person who organized all this! I can't say enough THANKS for doing that; this may be a small act (as he always likes to say) but it made such a big impact on everyone involved in #HiveBeeCon... I would say not just for the participants who were physically there, but also for many people who were reading these posts in the past few days!!!


At the entrance of the mine, we met another two Hivians who came there directly from Berlin... The direction on their GPS was the Wieliczka Salt Mine as the final destination of the trip! At the same time, that was the starting point of their "HiveBeeCon experience tour"! We were lucky that we had time to hang out with @growandbow and @llunasoul in the next two days as it was a real pleasure! Two free spirits that are always positive, with such peculiar views of things and the world itself! We had so many laughs, even when I was joking with my new Catalan friend! 😃


We had another Hive couple at the event and the excursion to the mine... While I didn't have a talk with @lemony-cricket and @m31 at the event itself, we had a nice talk during the launch on Sunday... They are one of those "invisible" people who are working so much in the background for the whole HIVE blockchain and the community! Without them, HIVE wouldn't be what it is! I'm so glad that I was sitting close to them at the launch as I was able to grasp some valuable opinions and wisdom about crypto in general, curation, and many other things... Btw, these two guys were at HiveFest in Mexico and directly from there, came to this meetup in Kraków!!!


There were some other people at the salt mine excursion, but like I said before, not have enough time to talk with them there, so I did it at the HiveBeeCon main event, which happened on the same day, but in the afternoon hours... There I met @deepresearch, who explained the "second version" of the rules for playing the Latvian game Novuss (you will find the photo of the table below)... I have to admit that his rules had a lot more sense than those that Stefan (@delishtreats' husband) invented said... 😂


Speaking of Novuss, the person who saved the day was Lorenzo (@helicoptermoney or @lpa) who told us the REAL-REAL rules of the game... Until that point, everyone was adding their rules to the game and it was easier to win by inventing rules... So, in some way, Lorenzo "killed" the fun of the game... (just kidding! 😂) He came to the event later in the evening so we didn't have too much time for a talk, but on our last day in Kraków, we came back to the KBK and had an awesome talk with him about different topics starting with crypto, through banking, finances, CBDCs, horses, and imaginary countries around the world...


Back to the Novuss... The game united me with another interesting person at the event @evelynchacin, who was my partner in the game when I replaced @lemony-cricket who flew away to have a beer probably... 🍻 Or he escaped to be humiliated by the professional opponents in the game... 😂 Anyways, @evelynchacin and I took a loss with pride! We did our best, but someone had to lose and it was our turn... 😂

Btw. I have mentioned excuses for not coming to the meetup... Do you know that @evelynchacin came to the event being pregnant? And it's a matter of a day when her Olivia will come to the world! She was already knocking and waving at the #HiveBeeCon!

Did you know that you can pay with HBD in The Kingdom?

Maybe the image above is the perfect one to say a couple of words about the creator, the owner, and the host of this beautiful and magical place where we had #HiveBeeCon, The Kingdom! @hallmann is something really special... I have no idea from where he is getting all the energy, but besides having a regular job, he is coming to KBK every single day, cleaning the place, decorating, and hosting guests from all around the world... Helping them with integration into the local society, giving Polish lessons for free, offering shelter for the most needed, and having a nice word for everyone, every time...

Huge, huge hugs and big thanks to @hallmann for hosting this and for inviting us the next 2 days too for a cup of delicious tea and a lot of nice talks! You made this event special to everyone who participated!

Somewhere at the end of the event, late in the evening, I had a chance to exchange a couple of words with @phortun! It's a pity that we didn't have more time to talk, but he had his pregnant wife waiting for him at home, so it's understandable why he had to leave the next day... I hope we will have more time at some of the next events!

After the Sunday lunch, a couple of us took a short walk around the town

This was a moment when we had to say farewell to some Hivians

The last photo contains the most stubborn (foreign) Havians that stayed the longest in Kraków... We had a pizza that day and took a hot cocoa before leaving the city...

I have probably missed someone to mention, but there were so many people, and again, just a short time to meet and talk with everyone...

I didn't tag anyone in the photos as some of the participants would maybe mind that... But, you can easily connect the dots who is who... :)

Until the next meetup!

Thank you for your time and sorry for the long post 😃,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

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You can also find me on InLEO .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


Do you ever have a bad word to say about anyone? 😄

To those who are reading this and don't know anything about Hive, this sounds like heaven, the perfect community to hang around, and to many it is. A community is as beautiful or ugly as you want it to be. Many have their gripe about Hive and that's because they chose to see it that way.

All they need to do is to attend a meetup, hang around with some nice folks and they see how great Hive can be.

Ps. You haven't seen me when I'm nasty to people 🤪

Do you ever have a bad word to say about anyone? 😄

heheheh... Yes, I do... But I remember one saying that I saw in the shop window a long time ago that said: "If you are satisfied with our service, tell everyone! If you are not, tell only to us!" That's how I try to live my life... :)

And regarding the heaven on HIVE, when you have people like those who were at #HiveBeeCon, you do get that! Yes, we are not (whole) HIVE, but any of those people would be a great representative of HIVE...

Ps. You haven't seen me when I'm nasty to people 🤪

I heard some stories about that... 😬😱

I heard some stories about that... 😬😱

Those folks? Haven't heard from them in a while... Coincidence? I think not! 🧐

Hmmm... Which ones? Did I miss some drama with @livinguktaiwan in the main role? 😃

The first rule of Fight Club...

j/k j/k :-)

or am I?

Oh, now I get you... You mean...



You haven't seen me when I'm nasty to people 🤪

Really !!! :P

Ps. You haven't seen me when I'm nasty to people 🤪

Just rumors!

It looks like a lot happened there and I am glad you were having fun at that event. It's great to see all of you enjoying the time and it looks like a lot happened.

It was a lot of fun indeed! Not just at the event itself, but around it as we had time to hang around in town, and cafes for 2-3 days around the date!

Believe it or not, there is something different about all the posts, and I say this because I have visited several of them. You took close up photos of many details of the place where they were gathered, I was struck by the decoration in other posts and here I had a better approach, for example that blue cart I had not noticed 🤣 I am intrigued about the visit to the salt mines, I'm waiting for a more specific post and I think mipiano is the safest option to discover the wonders of there hehe. I'm really glad you went and were surrounded by people with the same passion for Hive as us, believe me it's a privilege what you experienced, you should really do that marathon trip again soon 😬

Thank you for your comment! It was a privilege to be there and hang out with so many great Hivians! I'm glad that we went to the event as it was worth the hustle!

Regarding the photos, I was lucky that we had a second (and third) chance to go back to the place where the HiveBeeCon was held, so I could take photos... When we were with others, we were just talking, enjoying the company and I completely forgot to take photos... Luckily, when we were in the salt mine and walking around the town, I got a bit more photos... 😃

Looks like such a great time at an amazing place. The kingdom rules! Thanks for sharing and i look forward to more and more meetups.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read one of my longest posts ever... 😃

It is a fantastic place and it was a great meetup! I hope we will meet at some of the next HIVE gatherings!

Sure thing. Always liked reading updates from you. Yeah hope to get to join in some get togethers too.

You might have won the price for the last post, but you have also won the price for the most comprehensive summary of the event. I love how you described your interaction with everyone. Such kind words 😍 It was worth waiting for your post!

Stefan says that because of people like YOU he is heavily working on collecting material for his future posts 🙂

Awww... Thank you so much for your kind words! I enjoyed your company a lot!

Stefan says that because of people like YOU he is heavily working on collecting material for his future posts 🙂

Do you mean for the "Sleepy Community"? He is sleeping the whole day, collecting material? 😂 Send greetings to him and see you at the next meetup!

Well, do you know how much time it takes to prepare for such community? Ask mipiano, she has some experience too.. He sleeps more than he is awake 😃 He says hello back 🙂

Well, for that "specific" topic, I bet he needs a lot of preparation time... Along with that, there is a lot of practice involved... 😂

He sleeps more than he is awake

Like a cat 😇

Wait wait wait. Stefan coming hive soon?

That's what he was thinking after HiveFest last year.. we're one year later and.. 😂

So who knows...

Impressive! Well done. You really wrote down a few notes. Beautiful story from your perspective. And thank you for the kind words, and all the laughs as well great memories.
C ya soon ❣️

Thank YOU for your kind words! It was my pleasure!
See you soon! :)

It looks like everyone having fun in HIVEBEECON. happy to see faces beyond those hive accounts

It was a great meetup and I think that everyone had a lot of fun! Some of us were lucky enough to stay a few days more, so we took the maximum out od it! 😃
Thanks for checking out the post!

So I leave early, and I miss an unofficial excursion, another day of socialising, an adoption, and what else!? 😆

You're, sincerely, great to be around. No wonder you had the chance to learn so much about so many people. We shall surely meet again!

It was my pleasure to be surrounded by awesome people like you and Priya!

So I leave early, and I miss an unofficial excursion, another day of socialising, an adoption, and what else!? 😆

Not sure that you will be able to "survive" everything that you missed... 😃 I know the feeling from Amsterdam's HiveFest when I missed all the stuff around the event... :)

So, you didn't miss a lot... we had a morning walk on Sunday, 11 of us had lunch in the afternoon, and took a walk after that... Hmm... pastry shop and cakes in the late afternoon... Evening in the KBK with @hallmann... That was Sunday...

On Monday, pizza with Lluna and Mazin, and late afternoon/evening in the KBK again with @hallman and @helicoptermoney... So, you didn't miss too much! 😂

See you at the next meetup!!!

You took your time to make your HiveBeeCon report but the wait was totally worth it! Fantastic piece. The sweet memories that we all made at that event keep coming back with each of these reports and yours is really awesome. Btw glad that you had the chance to take some nice pictures after the Con. I wish I had this idea too on Sunday morning when I woke up in KBK but unfortunately, I didn´t :D :/ Next time!

@tipu curate 4

I wish I had this idea too on Sunday morning when I woke up in KBK but unfortunately, I didn´t :D :/ Next time!

That's a nice reason to come back! If we weren't so far away, we could easily knock on the KBK door 2-3 times of the year... Such a great place!

Thank you for your kind words! It's nice to have these posts out there that we can come back to any time in the future to remind ourselves about the importance of these meetups and newly created friendships!

I feel you, I also felt we didn't have enough time, we didn't take enough photos.., too short! it must be done again soon :P
No worries for repeating yourself, it is amazing to read everybody’s single perception of how it went! We enjoyed a lot the time with yous and reading about it is a great way to encourage others to join and also to immortalise the experience <3

it must be done again soon :P

...and in some warmer locations! 😃 Or maybe in the Spring... :)

It was nice to meet you! Until the next time!

Ah so those are the 3 Hivians who were covered up in the end! What is that green drink I wonder? Thanks for sharing some great highlights of the event! Such a great thing to see Hivians get together.

Huh... We were drinking cocoa, but @growandbow was drinking that green thing and I forgot the name of it... Maybe he or @llunasoul can give more details about that? 😃

I had such a good time at the event and it's a pity that you didn't make it... Let this post be a reminder to NOT miss the next meetup! 😃

That green drink is a Matcha Latte.
Thanks to engage I caught that one. And thanks for being patient on my reply 😅
And yes! Let's meet at the next MeetUp opportunity 😁😉

💯 It would have sure been cool to meet all of you guys. 😀

I feel you, I also felt we didn't have enough time, we didn't take enough photos.., too short! it must be done again soon :P
No worries for repeating yourself, it is amazing to read everybody’s single perception of how it went! We enjoyed a lot the time with yous and reading about it is a great way to encourage others to join and also to immortalise the experience <3

I have no idea how I skipped your comment?!

it must be done again soon :P

Agree! We have to repeat it ASAP! And forget to take photos again! 😂

Indeed! All those posts popping our every day have motivated others to do the same... To share THEIR perspective and their vision for future meetups! I'm glad that everyone had a good time and everyone has great memories of Hivebeecon!

Hahahaha... I have an idea why this might have happened... maybe because you have an ocean of comments?? hahahaha no worries 🙏

So, @growandbow was telling me the other day, “I don’t wanna wait a year to do this again!”
I’m sure we will find a way to create another one like this, was marvellous :)

So, @growandbow was telling me the other day, “I don’t wanna wait a year to do this again!”
I’m sure we will find a way to create another one like this, was marvellous :)

ahahahahaha... How long he can "survive" without the meetup? Until Spring? 😃

He is addicted to HIVE meetups! 😃

Let's see. Maybe we call out one in Barcelona in winter. Depends on a job from January.
But in general; Once a month would be great to do meetings between other Hivers. The Austrians do a good job, like role models, in sense of constancy. If they still doing the monthly MeetUp. Haven't traced them for a bit of time.
But that gives great chances of brainstorms concerning Hive matters, besides chats, chips and shared adventures.

I agree that Austrians are doing a great job with meetups, but as an excuse for others, from Graz to Vienna is like a 2 2-hour car drive... if someone from Vigo wants to come to Barcelona every month, that would be easier to do by plane...

We need 5 hours from our place to Barcelona... and we are not that far... 😃 And when you had an "offline" work it is not that easy to travel...

But, I agree that we should have at least 2-4 meetups like we had in Krakow...

Of course, it should be local that it's fair for everybody. Though there might be ways to balance the efforts of peoples will to participate.

Or, like you say, a larger number of international MeetUps, like Kraków.

Was indeed great fun. Really liked our conversations. And yes, we exchanged a few chats and comments in the past. But your memory is better than mine since you knew the content of our chat. Your wife has mentioned you more than a few times over the years, therefore I was looking forward to seeing and meeting you. And so great to finally meet you. You are a great guy for sure!

The thing is that the guy "stuck" with us the whole time during our stay in Kraków, and in the end, we called him the "adopted son"!

So nice, Dad! 😆😆😆

But your memory is better than mine since you knew the content of our chat.

Oh, man... I'm so bad with my memory lately... lol... Forgetting so many things that I'm already worried about people in my surroundings when it gets worse... lol... But, I do remember some "special moments" with friends and family, which is cool in some way...

It was nice to meet you and we should work on the next meetup plan! 🙂

we should work on the next meetup plan!

Yes we can. Owww in the wonderful warm Spain perhaps? Lisbon? We think of something 🙃

I can't get enough of these posts, lol. Looks like you guys really had a good time over there.

Also failed to make the connection until a few days ago... Talented wife you have!

Hehehehe... Thanks! It was a lot of fun indeed! Staying in Krakow for more than 2 days was the right decision as that gave us even more time to meet Hive people!

Waiting for the next big EU meetup!

Wow! It was a big chance to meet many people from HIVE. We are in the thriving time of HIVE, thus I think there are quality people to meet/know 😉

In the beginning, nobody expected so many attendees, but in the end, it was great to see so many Hivians at the same place!
From a small meetup, it became a huge gathering! 😃

This was one of the most detailed posts I have read about this event. I guess someone enjoyed the event more. I would have loved to be there, man. I would love to participate in Hivefest or an event like this and interact with people. Right now it's freezing in Turkey and I'm thinking of organizing such an event when the weather warms up a bit.

I really enjoyed the event and the presence of such a great number of Hivians! The last two days, it was only 2 Degrees in the morning in Krakow! For me, it was already freezing... 😃
But, I do agree with you that the nice weather is better for these types of gatherings...

Ahhh on second thought maybe @lemony-cricket disappeared because he got tired of being humiliated being my team hahaha. So thanks to you for taking the loss with me 🤣🤣.

There was no excuse not to go to the meeting! Olivia was also looking forward to attending even knowing she's almost due, plus we had an excellent time!

I miss you all, hope to see you again soon! It was really a pleasure to share that time with all of you! 🤗

Olivia had a headstart and even before her birth, she has one HIVE meetup under her belt!!!

It was a pleasure meeting you and the next time, we will be better prepared for Novuss! 😃

All the best!!!

You are right! 💃

Of course, next time we will be better prepared! Thank you very much! Greetings! 🤗

They couldn't get rid of us! 😂

When are we going again? 🤓

@hallmann would be like...


🤣 😂

You are always welcome, so more like this:



Thank you for everything! It was a pleasure to meet you and to be part of the KBK!


Excellent. I knew you were going to be so detailed in your post and I have loved reading here. The photos are very nice. You know, I prefer to see the parts rather than the whole scenario? The parts always say more.

I have noticed that you have a very particular way of absorbing those encounters and I think we (on the side here) have a lot to learn in that sense.

You all, through your posts, have filled me with inspiration. And for that, thank you.

PS. Edje, I'm guessing that's the young man in the last picture with the long hair. But anyway, you don't have to tell me. It's just that I've been wanting to put a face to him and haven't gotten around to it so far.

Excellent. I knew you were going to be so detailed in your post and I have loved reading here.

You did?! Wow... I didn't know until I wrote the post and to be honest, I didn't expect it would be over 2000 words post! 😱 😃

I have noticed that you have a very particular way of absorbing those encounters and I think we (on the side here) have a lot to learn in that sense.

How do you mean in a "particular way of absorbing those encounters"? I have noticed that some of the locals, who were newbies on HIVE were a lot more "connected" to the crypto value of HIVE, while those who are "full-time Hivians" were more about the social side... In the end, I suppose that the main point of these meetups is to have fun and enjoy the company of friends!

Regarding @edje, I will leave it to him to confirm or not your guess! 😃

I hope that we will meet at some of the next HIVE meetups or HiveFest!!!

You did?!

This was to be expected. A person who is used to reading "all" your posts would surely expect it.

How do you mean in a "particular way of absorbing those encounters"?

Maybe it's just that I'm coming up with some ideas like (who knows) creating a Hive HQ in Havana... I don't think conferences are such a profitable way to bring the Blockchain closer to the people. On the other hand, these spontaneous meetings are. Just to get together for the sake of it and connect with people and places, they are cooler and each talk is like a seed that is planted.

I hope so... maybe.

I agree with you about these spontaneous meetups and your comment gave me an idea for a future post! HIVE is a bit more specific and different than other blockchains in the crypto sphere... It is a social network in the first place and the social/human aspect should be in the first place... So, chasing investors could be a wrong move and it would be better to build stronger social connections... When we grow, the investors will come by themselves as there will be potential to "sell their stuff"...

I don't know this for sure, but we share a similar opinion... :)

This was to be expected. A person who is used to reading "all" your posts would surely expect it.

Thank you! I'm trying to catch up with content from others, but I have to admit that I fail many times... Too many things to do and lack of time are killing my engagement...

From human and social relationships have come the greatest business deals, to decisions that have changed the world. So, use that idea to create a debate around it. It is a pleasure to be able to contribute something, at least with an idea. I am sure many good things will come out and very beneficial for the Blockchain.

I didn't want to commit you in any way. Besides what I post is nonsense, unfocused squirrel and stuff like that.


From human and social relationships have come the greatest business deals, to decisions that have changed the world. So, use that idea to create a debate around it.

I will! That's a great point and we should move the focus to that part more!

Besides what I post is nonsense, unfocused squirrel and stuff like that.

Hey, I like squirrels! 😂 You are not committing me to anything, it's just that I would like to do more of that... Getting to know Hivians better...


Have a great day!

Have a nice day to you too. 👋

You have got some great photographs indeed. After coming back to the Netherlands, I realized I didn't have almost any photos of KBK. I was tired and so busy talking here and there that I completely forgot to take photos like you. But you have got the chance to visit KBK again. I remember our first meeting point in Amsterdam in front of "The EYE". This meetup was very interactive and that's why we all forgot to take photos :D. KBK has so many things to offer and I think that's why it is known as Kingdom.

I am sure we will meet again sooner or later...

It was a pleasure meeting you (again) and Mipiano, you guys look cute together...

I remember our first meeting point in Amsterdam in front of "The EYE".

I forgot the name of the venue, but you got it! It was the EYE that led us to The Kingdom! Who knows what is the next place where we will meet again!

Nice to meet you and see you at the next one! 😘

Exactly and I believe we will have another opportunity soon. I believe you had a great time at KBK after the HiveBeeCoon event...

you guys look cute together...


Cool photos, few..are always enough.:)
Saw some guitars laying around...ehh..yeah..I know. :)
Had no doubt you will have good times.

Posted using Proof of Brain

Hehehe... We had a blast! You would like it 100%!

We had 2 guys playing guitars, Mipiano at piano... Next time, you should come with your guitar as an addition, or as a main performer!!

I realize that you had so much fun at the Hive Beecon
I'm glad you met so many people from Hive
It helps to build a better relationship

It was a great encounter with passionate Hivians! Some connections were "refreshed" and some were built from scratch!

Nice sharing! Hope I will be able to join one of such events in the future!

Thank you! It was a really great meetup and if you have a chance to visit some in your area, don't hesitate to do it! Hivians are the best people! 😃

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Wow...Thanks for Sharing

You are welcome! I hope you liked the post!

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!


If there is something I am happy with, it is to discover that HBD is used as a form of payment in UK

It's not the UK, but the place that is called The Kingdom, in Krakow... I know that the post was long, but if you aren't interested in it, you don't have to comment... Nobody forces you to do so... ;)

So sorry about that 😞