No, you can do what you want with your coins of course...😜
Both !DERANGED and !BEER can be used as tip but with one big difference... you never give your own coins away. 😁
With tipu you have to charge your tipu wallet with steem before being able to give a tip to someone. With the deranged and beer coins it works differently...
With deranged you can give a coin to someone as soon as you have 5 (or 6, I forgot) in your wallet. If you have 10 (or 12 😊) you can give 2 coins a day and so on, and so on...
All you have to do is comment with !DERANGED like I do and a coin will be given by the deranged-account. The latter will also upvote your comment...
Beer works the same but you have to stake your coins. Per 5 (or 6 😁) you can give 0.1 coin of beer to someone per day. Again, those are not from your wallet but are delivered by the beerlover-account...