Perfect Time for Trophy

in BEER2 months ago

This is my entrance for #beersaturday week 394 by @detlev. It is a wonderfully selected weekend. Today is a beautiful Saturday because I started my day with exercise. I took a cold bath when I got home and a black coffee afterwards. Then set out to the nearest bar to get a bottle chilled Trophy premium Larger Beer. Some would say it is too early to celebrate a win because it is the beginning of the year. But, to me it is not a win is a win and there is no time limit nor is there lateness in winning.

Today, my wife was supposed to get be beer as usual from the mall at the event of buying our weekly needs. I told her I will prefer to go to the bar so afterwards we can go see a movie. This is because i finally got cerified after many attempt. I took my exam and passed it at the very first attempt. So I am a certified Fiber Optic Engineer.

Going to the bar in order to get my beer was intentional as I wanted to celebrate my win by myself before anyone. Therefore, after this bar. The next stop is to go see a movie with my wife, then dinner tomorrow. That is the best I can do to celebrate this plus.

I decided to pick Trophy Beer because either we like it or not, certification is a trophy won. Trophy premium Larger beer is a beer that is well known in my home country Nigeria. Especially, in the south western part of the country. I am celebrating my win with a Trophy and I pray everyone begin their year with winnings too.



Hey @porqpin, here is a little bit of BEER from @borsengelaber for you. Enjoy it!

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