What A Day ☀️

in The City of Neoxian3 months ago

Hello neoxian community,
I'm very delighted to be here with you all this evening, and I'm going to be sharing glimpse of my yesterday's activities. I kind of did a lot of things yesterday, but I'm going to be sharing just the most parts caught on camera.

Yesterday was not really a good day here in Cameroon Bamenda. As most Cameroonians here might know, we had a lock down, or rather ghost town day here in Bamenda. One of the reasons of the ghost town's strength was because of a gun exchange between military 🪖 and the separatist fighters (Ambazonians). Many people were caught in the exchange including one of my very close neighbors who was shot on his chest, but thank God he's still alive 🙏

Okay now enough about all that. Let's hed into what I'm here for.

Okay so I woke up yesterday morning, and I had to do all the necessary morning stuff like doing my chores, brushing my teeth, take my bath etc...

After doing all that, my mum was still preparing food but I was really really hungry. So I took my wallet and was on my way to the store so that I can buy some fast snacks and eat before the main meal gets ready

On my way going up, I saw the sun rising, and I couldn't resist the beauty, so I had to tje the shot 😇

After all the babbling about the food, the main meal finally got ready and I ate very happily 😋

NB: I love food so so so much ❤️😋😇

After eating, I had to let the food digest so that I can continue with my next activity of the day, which was going for a students football and hand ball game 🎮

In as much as yesterday was not really a safe day for moving outside away from home, the students of our school organized a football and hand ball match. It wasn't really far from where my home is. So after my food had digested and I had relaxed small, I gradually walked to the game venue. The journey was about 8-10 minutes long.

When I reached there, the game was already going on. So I didn't really wanna sit to close to the field, so I climbed up the stairs of a nearby building, and had a perfect view from there

Oh and before I forget, I started by watching the hand ball 🏀 game instead first. The hand ball game was played only by the girls, while the football ⚽ was played by the guys

After watching all the hand ball matches, I went to the foot ball field and watched the match till the end. But unfortunately for all of us, I didn't get any photos because my phone already ran down, and we are really suffering from power failures this time around in a very bad way 🤦

The match was the high school students versus the secondary school students. Since I am in the high school, I had to support my own guys 😅. So good dor me, we won 😁❤️

So after the game, I got back home very happy and joyous because we won. So what was really left for me to do was to start watching my movie, and fall asleep while in the act lol 😂

So I started watching a movie titled Fater of The Bride, and good for me, I managed to go past half of the movie, and the rest is history 😂

Okay friends, that is that about my Day ☺️

Thank You For Reading My Post ❤️