A lot of the issues began before we went plant based and have just got progressively worse as time goes by. I’ve thought about my b12 before but suppose I thought I have way too many symptoms for it to be such an easy fix. I’ll look into it!
For the most part we eat very healthy, mostly Whole Foods, some times a little fish, only about 5-10% processed anything. The only processed would be gluten free rice cakes, or maybe some store bought hummus but that’s really it. I eat way more veggies than I do fruits and when I do eat fruits I eat them with protein or fat to slow digestion down.
It does really suck at this point. We’ve literally been going around like this for a few years. Sometimes I think I’ve stumbled on the answer and then another symptom manifests. It’s crazy! Western doctors have told me they can’t help me, that they don’t know, that although my levels are high or low (blood work) they can’t see anything. All are surprised by my blood work when I share my diet, exercise, and daily regimen with them. I just don’t know anymore. Thank you for responding @bashadow!