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Thanks again for the SteemRSS shout out. My impression is RSS feeds have kind of gone out of fashion. When I joined STEEM in June 2018 I was surprised by the lack of RSS support. Furthermore I was surprised SteemRSS existed but was not maintained.
Posted using Partiko iOS
You're welcome. I think you're right about RSS, but I still prefer it to other feed protocols. I was surprised by the long absence of RSS here, too. Streemian offered it for a while, but then died. I was very happy when I learned about SteemRSS.
I think rrslog would be best as I believe that most of your feed is RSS. I use feedly for my RSS feed. I probably only have 30-50 per day but might consider something similar. @remlaps-lite is probably good place for it. Have you seen any of the @steemhunt content?
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the feedback. I have seen @steemhunt in my feed and logged into it a few times, but haven't done much else with it.
I used feedly for a while when Google Reader first went away, but I jumped over to theoldreader as soon as I learned about it 'cause I preferred the greader look and feel, and theoldreader was pretty close.
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