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RE: Bitcoin pumps... but is your Altcoin losing value?

Most price analysts (both bullish and bearish ones) have seen their predictions of Bitcoin getting rejected at various 'resistance levels' debunked as the price keeps moving up.

If these analysts were builders and you contracted them to build your house it would fall apart in 6 months.

Never before in human history have there been so many amateurs in one space claiming expertise. Best thing to do would be a systematic debunking, failing that igoring the lot!

I don't think BTC is going to be coupled with alts in the long term - there's so many projects on the go that will allow you to buy other currencies with fiat (with cryptovouchers you already can).

BTC has no utility IMO - all its ever done for me is sit proove painfully slow to move around!

I like to think all my alts have use value independent of BTC - which has no use value as far as I can see, so this pump is probably (almost certainly, maybe necessarily) speculation and nothing else.

ATM I judge when to buy alts via BTC price but not the long term value of those alts which I measure in $ (thinking of use value)

If you get my meaning?!?

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