Thank you @fitinfun ...
"Finally - I have three blogs here and have never once powered up. Instead I power down and live off this money since Dec 2017. Even with that - my sp is growing."
... for the investment of your time to give your fellow Steemians the benefit of your perspective. There are a lot of questions I see "in here" about why people don't "follow the script" and power up all they can. Including in this post.
You have provided everyone with one answer. Seems to me, in a "free market," this is as it should be, i.e. everyone is going to do what they deem to be in their best interest ... Perhaps, as they learn more, they will change their approach. Then again, even then, they may not ...
For myself and, I suspect, many others, they view their activity on the Steem blockchain as a long term investment, since they do not need the "active income" right now. But I know some for which that is simply not the case. Many of our fellow Steemians, in Venezuela, for example, need the "active income" now!
Thanks again for writing!