Well, that is certainly one (loved the “They Talk” clip …) way to handle it @tristancarax!
Doing my small part to keep this uhhh … “____” (whatever …) busy, here is my list:
@abh12345, @blessed-girl, @costanza, @crypto.piotr, @fitinfun, @fucho80, @josephsavage, @macoolette, @newageinv, @r2cornell, @thedarkhorse, @trincowski, and, of course, @tristancarax (Merry Christmas!)
In each case, I have chosen to “double down,” at a minimum. And more for those who I know need the help, which is what the SBI community is all about …
I’ll take the opportunity here to “publicly” thank @josephsavage for all of his efforts on the part of the SBI community for which he works tirelessly. I know you have done what you can. Frankly, not sure what keeps you going, but hopefully, this will one day all be over.
I know you put a lot of effort into creating this post @tristancarax. Hopefully you will enjoy some significant support for your efforts. Rest well knowing, in your own way, you have spoken for a lot of people! 👍
Whoops! Forgot to use # sbi – skip @mmmmkkkk311. Or did I forget …