Oof those autovotes. I feel guilty posting my progblogs because of that XD I mean the progblogs were started as I thought my Patreons would like seeing how I was going, and then I thought maybe people here might also like to see how I was going, and also so I posted more regularly here rather than once every blue moon or so when I had a finished piece to post, but it's not exactly quality stuff, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! But at least some people seem to like watching the glacial progress? :S
Are there seriously people out there that post ridiculously to milk that? Why would one do that, it seems so rude D:
Those meta posts crop up every time there's a new thing don't they XD I've been kind of skipping over them most of the time, a little bit oversaturated because Narrative is in that phase at the moment and I'm over it.
Poor fish, once upon a time I went home for the holidays and left my stuff and my fish at a friend's place to look after til I came back a few months later. When I got back, he'd bought me a new fish because during a party everyone had gotten drunk and someone thought it would be hilarious to photograph one of the fish in a beer bottle. They'd washed it out with detergent, filled it with water, caught one of the fish out of the tank, photographed it, and put the fish back. It was fine for a bit and then it wasn't. Parties can be hazardous sometimes XD