There are reasons why I think a Universal Basic Income would be useful. However, there have been no real world demonstrations of it working. I think, if they are willing to take the risk, we should stand back and watch.
Some of the problems UBI would resolve are liquidity traps and disenfranchisement.
I think that if EOS is willing to undertake the experiment, it would be beneficial for everybody to have a dataset that demonstrates if UBI is workable or not.
I am of two minds on one person one vote. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting what is for lunch. Stake is wealthy wolves and a poor sheep deciding what is for lunch based on assets. However, as an aspiring wealthy wolf, I have incentive to build my stake. As a pure democracy, one person one vote, I’d be continuously suspicious of my peers. In one, I have an opportunity to become elite. In the other, I’m at the whim of the mob.