Hmmmm... I like your predictions, @pocketechange! SO glad I also have my jar f clad coins. And, according to you, I should keep those (I usually convert them to silver coins), just in case the reset happens sooner. But once I fill that jar... I will start a new jar and start saving them to exchange for silver. HAve a great day, my friend.
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I've been doing that way before I came to STEEM. It's covered in my "Micro-Stacking" series of articles. I am not as bold as "pockets", to put numbers on it, but I am confident that COINS will be worth more than their fiat equivalents in the near future. In fact, some already are! Even the base metal coins...
For U.S. Coinage to reach “Sound Money Status” an Ounce of Silver must go up to $350 Fiat Dollars... Keep that in mind...
August 11, 2019... 13.0. Hollywood Time...
Use your Paper Fiat to buy Silver... Don’t cash in your Coinage until after the U.S. Monetary Reset...
August 11, 2019. 13.1. Hollywood Time...