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RE: President Trump has been impeached for Nothing; by domestic enemies of our Republic!

in #informationwar5 years ago

It is going on in Colorado too, I am sad to say!

Just needs one fuse lit....



How does humanity find themselves in these situations time and again. Pathetic.

When I report to my superiors on my home planet I don't know if I will be able to explain it.

They refuse to study History! I read it myself, lots of good information....

Maybe we can send these liberals back to their Mother Ship soon! I am damn tired of them about now....

I don't think the Republic will survive this socialists push, intact. I am concerned that there will be bloodshed beginning in one of these liberal states. Such stuff can spread out of control, quickly.

On the plus side Oklahoma passed Constitutional Carry, so anyone over 20 years old, can carry concealed ; so we will be ready!

When you get back to your planet, tell them I said Hey....


They refuse to study History!

Too many truths they don't want to face in history I think.

Yeah, I'll tell my supreme leader that you said hey. 👽😂

Study makes you think, when liberals begin to think, they are lost to the liberal cause!

Thanks, he will remember me and the firepit stories and cigars, when he visited Earth....


Thanks, he will remember me and the firepit stories and cigars, when he visited Earth....

Epic moments ahead!

True, hop in the shuttle, and we can hit the gun range.


Do you head to the range much usually? If so what do you shoot there? I shoot IPSC here, generally every week

I usually go to practice with my Concealed pistol, but not as often as I like. I go at least a day every month.

I take what ever else suits my fancy, to turn money into noise with, LOL!

I have shot in the military rifle shoot out there, but I am studying on long range shooting right now. Will probably return me to reloading....
