Well, hello there person who is now reading this!
It is I, SnekkerDoodle and I am here to scare you away and steal all your apples!
I am kidding of course! Or am I not?
You might be thinking... Hmmmmmm SnekkerDoodle, you remind me of this other weirdo with the name Poeticsnake!
Yepp, thats me and this is also me! Confusing? Nah... I just wanted a fresh account mainly to do my Doodles and be active for Creative Coin and Palnet.

I will also be here to Curate for Creative Coin. I love curation, its my bliss on a cloud in the sky!
You will read this on my accoun:
Potential wardrobe monster. Will jump out and say boo when you least expect it. Beware of the spoon. steals apples. Ace poet and doodler extroadinaire
I just want to let you all know that am about to get my licence for bigger wardrobes! I do really jump on you out of nowhere and say/scream BOO and you will NOT expect it nor will you see me coming... I always have a spoon with me and you will NOT like the things I do with Mah Spoonnnn! I will steal your apples even if you are nice to me! They say I am an ace poet but I beg to differ and I am really a doodler extroadinaire but thats besides the point!

You can't say I did NOT warn you all!
Looking forward to be interacting with you all soon!