I can assure you it wasn't intentional on Jackmillers part if people were tagged and they have changed their votes in the last 7 days.
I have been in @thealliance chat room with @jackmiller as he went, one by one, checking each name over the last 7 days. If you have changed your votes in the last 7 days your name might be there by mistake.
Based on the positive response to this post you seem to be the only person upset by being reminded that you have/had dead witnesses you are voting for.
How is this a bad thing to inform people, not all, but ones that do have dead witnesses they are voting for, that they should double check and at least remove their vote?
Nowhere has he asked for a vote. Nowhere has he told people who to vote for. Is it so hard to realize there are honest people in the world?
JackMiller has made it to every Witness chat that @Shadowspub has had in The Ramble Discord. so I'm not sure how you have not known he wasn't a Witness. He has been in the top 50 witnesses for over a year.
Have a nice Sunday.