Half way to dolphin in less than two, three months is no big deal?...tell that to everyone struggling to get there.
What she spent to get to steemfest and what she spent there has nothing at all to do with her being allowed to cheat her way to the top by posting pictures of mannequins, dolls, pictures imposed against backgrounds of places those people really aren't at, mixed of course with a few real people. It doesn't take a professional to see the photos are fake.
We aren't talking about girls and their images we are talking about girls who have no problem bumping other hard working girls out of their way to get to the top. So it's really insulting to every woman on here whose working hard to get ahead and you guys allow her to come on here with pictures with no content and say it's perfectly fine. You really think for one minute the majority of those woman whom she is posting pictures of are going to join steemit and write out post that have any content they've put considerable effort behind? No, they aren't, you are just fooling yourself.
You just remember in life that what comes around goes around. You encouraging such behavior only reinforces it. It's in every occupation and there's a reason for that, just look in the mirror.