Steems great failure is that its poised to be a great solution to censorship and nobody knows >about it, and those who do learn about it think its a scam.
Geez I wonder why...couldn't be people being flagged for differing opinions now could it. Seems I remember you dropping by shortly after I got here to flag the crap out of me for expressing my opposing views, unless there's abuse of the system or false, misleading, dangerous information being spread people shouldn't be flagged for disagreeing with others. If I remember correctly not only did you flag my comments you ran over to my blog and flagged everything there...and I think you then proceeded to write your own article where my name was added in a bad light among others you disagreed with. It's these kinds of tactics that scare people off, it's bad enough people make pennies for their efforts when they get here it's just appalling that others with more power can take the pennies away. The way you deal with stuff you don't like is not to upvote it not gather your friends and flag the crap out of it.