Looks like a nice outing and a cool market, most of the water features and parks here are now closed so the pipes do not freeze
A great market my friend, during the winter here they only close the places to do maintenance and upgrades.
Our winters are not cold enough for the pipes to freeze.
There is one fountain in Bryant Park they pump hit water through and keep it tlrunning in the depth of winter the water freezes and it looks so cool
The rest close down
Wow! That should certainly be great sight and a great photo opportunity my friend. If I am not mistaken, you might have posted a picture of it before?
Maybe a good target for the new lenses.
Yes your memory is good, I did walk by it today not frozen yet but by mid winter it will be and I will get sots of it
Ah! So the memory banks here are still in a way of soundness hahaha.
I bet that you will get out there to get shots of it.
Maybe I must ask some friend over there to send you a thick Bison blanket and an electric jocks to wear on your trips Lol.
LOL I am always worried about a short happening in Electric Jocks but a bison blanket would keep one warm
Now a short will certainly be interesting JJ.
Flashing glasses and hair standing on ends with smoke out of the ears and nostrils. What a photo that will make hahahaha.
Not something I ant to experience LOL
NOw taking a photo of it happening to someone else I could be keen to do LOL