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RE: A morning walk on the beach at sunrise

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

LOL well first off I am glad I did not make you wait till winter, and thanks for your feedback, although I do think you are being far too kind

That little alien bug is awesome never seen something like that


I know, I am too kind, but what can I say? You asked me to be honest, didn't you?

This little bug, or whatever it is, didn't want to get photographed and always tried hide behind that stem. This is the only somehow sharp photo I could take of it, and I have no idea, what it is :)

I wish I could help with identifying the bug but I have trouble telling the difference between a Ladybug and a butterfly lOL

Thanks again for your kind feedback so appreciated

You're welcome JJ :)

The Ladybug is the one in black with the red dots ...

Source: Wikipedia<

... or was it red with black dots? LOL

I don't think, I will post this ugly little thing - maybe if I see another one, of which I can get better photos, but I don't think so, because it is soo small, and I wonder, how I could even see it ;)

Ohh so that’s a ladybug funny thing is I thought they were more bug shaped like 🐞
Where would I be without you helping to edumacate me 😂

Yeah, you must know, that here in the old world, we have very good schools, which are free by the way, where we get edumacated very well ;) lol
And because I am a very nice person, I always like to help the underedumacated, if needed 😊

I have never heard that word, but I love it ;)

Edumacate; An uneducated way people, including Redneck's, Hill-Billy's and Feral people use in place of the word Education to sound smarter than they may be.

Dang that word exists I thought i had made it up when I joke about education, my Bubble is burst I must have heard it before and stole it

Back in NZ educations is also free and I did fairly well, although i never made it to University, more because i was bored with school and wanted to work, I was nagged by Family and Teachers to go to Uni but I said I would take a one year break to work and then head to University and the one year just dragged on for 43 Years LOL

First I thought, it was a strange typo, then I googled the word and found it ;) LOL

I haven't been to the University either. I didn't like school, I didn't like to learn, although I learned fast and easy, but I didn't like it, and I didn't want to leave my home. Then I went to the army (the 8 months basic military service we have to absolve), and never returned home, but I didn't move far away ;)

I didnt like school either i liked the sport but found the classes boring even though I always did well in the exams, thats the good side of having a very high IQ I didnt have to work hard at school, and i know I would have cruised through University easy, but it would have bored me and who know what trouble i would have got into I worked one job for a year, but that was not the job for me and then joined the army and stayed with it for 12 Years before applying for and joining the UN, but where i am different is a move far far away