Kindly do not over dramatise the situation. DLease is a BuildTeam project and since DLease has content to vote we voted on that, the nett effect is the same whether we generated Steemvoter content, DLease or Steemsports content, the upvote value is the same and has the same nett effect on you. I think we have explained this in depth already on your post.
Dear @thecryptodrive
I owe you "thank you" for being so very responsive and polite.
You clearly have knowledge which regular people (kind of like myself) are lacking and it's scary to think that my own account has been compromised.
In current days people lose their accounts on different platforms almost on daily basis. Hacks are everywhere. Even giants like Binance has been very lately a victim.
And now, just imagine waking up in the morning and learning that 3rd party (of which I didn't know and couldn't figure out) had an access to my account and using it to upvote some content.
That is some scary shit.
So perhaps my responses sounded over-dramatic and scared.
I think we have explained this in depth already on your post.
Indeed you did, for which I'm very grateful and I already added "Small update" at the end of this post to clarify that.