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RE: Pointy Eyes Shine In The Dark (Finish the Story #52 Entry)

in #finishthestory6 years ago

El Reacción (The Reaction): Okay first I should mention this, being double over the word limit is literally going to make any judge’s head explode. But the passion for committing one’s soul into writing this is very much noted and appreciated. Now before I react to the story proper I wanted to point to see if any Pole pointed out the Dudzinski, but it seems you had beaten me to the punch. Also your remark on the order and chaos: they are not mutually exclusive but mutually interdependent (dialectical doubles); just as dark as to light or heat to cold. I could go on a whole philosophy rant but chaos is the outcry of order when order cannot sustain itself on dysfunctions. Now to the story:

Well firstly as a Pole to another Pole, hopefully, the Polish-German (Tata had blood of Niemcy in him) words sprinkled in there seemed... authentic... c: I want more of that c: Anyways, as I shall explain in la filosofía (the philosophy) section: I do love my stories when it involves Holy Dæmonic (Unholy) actions, rituals, trickery and ~BLOOD!!!!~ (≧∇≦)Anywho, as I shall explain further in la forma (the form): I never was a fan of paragraphs of text with dialogues but it works here, which person was talking at any time made sense, magical realism thrown in there to twist at dream logic and mocks how far music professionals go to get their "voice" in the public.

La Filosofía (The Philosophy): Now as one Pole to another (I will be a broken record at times, don’t forgive me), I do love the bringing of Katolicki (Catholic) elements here. Just invigorates my memories of when mója mama i tata (my mom and dad) would talk and yap about Xtian shit and I just listen to the Good Word of Jesus (of Nazareth). Talks of flipping over tables of merchants and bankers, rich people having a harder time getting to heaven than a camel getting through the eye of the needle, ... wait a minute, I don’t need to tell you about Xtian shit - we’re Poles. But tak (yes), this is the overarching philosophy of the text that it works in a World where the myths of Catholicism are true to the T. Which informs of the two philosophies: Capitalistic ventures to fame (Kurt doing anything, including being a puppet indirectly) in the music industry and then ritual culture. (Which these two things in popular myths seemed to be very popular, let’s say I can see why but it’s all biz men looking at the trends and trying to maximize Capital - sorry Satan, drop your gig now :c) We see the playout of fame culture being the main backdrop of Kurt’s actions (we can say envy qua sin is in play here) for which a successful singer in terms of modern society requires stably exponential growth of the fanbase in order to maintain one’s contract and the record seller’s health. To which they, the record seller, turns both metaphoric and a literal blind eye to whatever the singer (or band) does to maintain their popular image - as long as they can cover it up. And we see Kurt struggle to keep his image from falling apart and people that can seek to be leeches in his soul (of which real-life translation: opportunitistic sons of a bee). Very nice to rehash that tale in a more literal and magically realistic sense. Excuse me for a moment, have to vampirically suck off this fat cat’s blood - very rich in iron.

La Forma (The Form): As I said in my reaction, the dialogue works and I can understand who’s who. But in case you need to differentiate when "they are talking now” to "they are talking now" to "they are talking now" for Cap’n Jones’s sake, use italics and bold+italics for second and third person in conversation - name-referencing works as well. Did I mention this is dialogue heavy? I love dialogue as I think it a safe escape from the rule of "Show, don’t tell" (of which I despise) and free to be formed to one’s heart. Of which I do love we are seeing a one-sided (revealed slowly and dialectically) dialogue here between Kurt and the trickster therapist. And such, this setting is a very Magical Realist setting and plottwists away from the dream logic of the beginning (the prompt) - and it’s done good!~ <3 Also Witches and Witch Doctors not being slain and actually doing something useful other than being EVIL!!!!! D^:< (I only remark because medieval tales using the female figure for "deceptive" or "conniving" or "satanic" acts, and you know the rest if you actually read your Brothers Grimm tales.) Anyways love that the satanic forces is paired with the music industry because the music industry really is propagandous and Capitalistic as shit, like singers have no real voice but a non-voice to capture a lot of people in the masses, exploit their cathartic energy and seeking to make Capital while pacifying them. Just a fun side comment to make, as I know that’s how mója Babcia (my Grandma) - who’s a devout farmer-prole katolicki (Catholic) by the way, just with more Satan thrown in there. But we all know we came to read my comments for my poems, not what my Grandma would say:

- Ole Lucy Boy! -

Lucy! Lucy! Lucy Boy!
I heard thou art now
in thy profane deals
now collectin’ souls

I heard many a deals,
see many a signatures,
feel many a souls now
and I see thy form!~

Tell me all the souls
that thou art taken
in thy devilish and
outlandish deals!~

Do tell, Lucy Boy!
Spill all the beans
and reveal the lil’
devils in the details!~


Thanks for the exhaustive analysis. It is helpful. And a nice little poem at the end too.

btw. I'm not Polish, I live south of Poland.

Welcome for the comment!!!! ~UwU~

Thanks for the compliments, I do try my best for analysis and poems for fts posts.

Hmm, that’s interesting. Rare I see Polish words from non-Poles.