Rational actors within a system will vote/do things in their best interests given the chance. That applies to witnesses and non-witnesses. I am going to argue that the 50/50 and 25/75 has nothing to do with why people aren't here.
I have been saying for awhile, Steem's problem is that everyone is relying on Steemit INC to come out with SMTs and somehow that will bring in a ton of people to the platform. Ethereum has all the smart contracts and have been fixing bugs in smart contracts for 3 to 4 years. SMTs are going to be extremely immature when they come out.
Steem also doesn't have anyone marketing anything from what I can tell its 0. The bitcointalk.org post about Steem is mostly people calling it a scam. Bitcointalk.org is a highly trusted go to for many in the crypto community, already you aren't going to get mass adoption from crypto community due to that. I'm not suggesting we go astroturf in there, but its pretty one sided with 95% of comments saying its a scam...
Steems great failure is that its poised to be a great solution to censorship and nobody knows about it, and those who do learn about it think its a scam.
Instead we see MILLIONS flocking to Minds.com and Gab and Voat, when Steem easily could have pulled in some of that crowd. I am only here because I deep dive into a lot of crypto stuff. Most of the people I talk to about Steem want nothing to do with it. I try to convert people from reddit(because reddit censors) and they look it up and see stuff about it being a scam.
Perception is reality for the (dumb)masses.