Version 38 of Victor John Oh Jian Shi is about to happen in another 15 days.
These are exciting times.
I can’t believe that I am actually married.
I didn’t know that things could actually happen too fast.
I have never had a girlfriend before. Nor had I imagine that I would be marrying my first love.
We just click. She speaks the same languages. We have the same taste in food. We like to watch TV. We like to joke. We like to watch funny shows. We like to sing. We also have had many similar experiences when we were young.
There were many things that she mentioned that I thought were all made up because it was just too surreal. But turns out, she never lied about anything.
Why did I marry her in the first place?
I guess I found someone who truly loves me.
There are many nights when I think about whether I made the right choice.
Everything points in the same direction.
I don’t have to doubt.
She is a Catholic. That’s the most important thing. We pray. We go to church. But God... sorry I haven’t gone to church 3 times since BabyBoo moved in. We oversleep on Sundays. Ahem...
How many people out there can match that especially here in Malaysia?
Let’s face it.
I live in Malaysia and probably would never leave the country.
Even if I were to stay single, I would probably not leave the country in the next 10 years or so.
That means, I won’t have the chance to mix with any foreigner for another 10 years?
No way Jose.
We’ve gotten into fights of course and we just become best friends again right after.
Oh I tell you. That is really rare because I know her character. If I was somebody else… I’d probably be rotting on her black list.
BabyBoo has shared so much with me about her life and I also have done the same thing.
She knows things that I have never told anyone in the world.
Thus, we care for each other. We fight and we make up before we go to bed.
I rant and speak my mind. Once it is all out, it’s out of the system into the garbage and gone forever.
I hope things will never change.
I know my role as a husband and provider is supposed to be as it is.
There are many things that I shall not ask her to share the burden.
I want things that she thinks is too far fetched.
But hey…
She still supports me and I’m going to make sure that I see through with what I want for our future.
The thing is….
These few months have seen a big change and a totally huge wave if you will.
We are working towards building a future and I know that if I am just working hard enough, things will fall into place.
In the past, I have been all over the place. I never knew how to make things work. I never had concrete plans or concrete details.
Last night, I mapped out the plans for the next 2 years.
I shall get to work.
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