Frog legs 🦵 for a goodbye 👋 party 🎉
Have you ever eaten frog legs? It was not my first time to eat it, but I ordered it at a Lebanese restaurant 😄 I didn't know that Lebanese also eat frog legs. Well, it was tasty! It tastes like chicken 🐥
I ordered grilled beef 🐮 and a lobster 🦞 plus some hummus 🙌 Yup, we also visited a bar to have some #beer Yup, it was a good day! 😁👏😁👏🍺🍺
🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦
💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨
🌬1) Prosperity - 利
🌬2) Decline - 衰
🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
🌬4) Honor - 誉
🌬5) Praise - 称
🌬6) Censure - 譏
🌬7) Suffering - 苦
🌬8) Pleasure - 楽
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