#movetoearnUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutstom45p in #hive-193552 • 19 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 22 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes pro betlémské světlo today for the light of Bethlehem dnešní bonus vtip Když žena říká, že miluje děti víc než manžela, nevěřte tomu. Děti…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 21 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, ![](tom45p in #hive-193552 • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 20 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes na RADKA FIŠAROVÁ – Vánoční šansonění today on RADKA Ftom45p in #hive-193552 • 4 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes kolem sochy u hotelu monti mariánské lázně Today aroutom45p in #hive-193552 • 5 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 18 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes na koncert Easy Going - saxofónový kvartet today for ttom45p in #hive-193552 • 6 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 17 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Tatínek koupí Pepíčkovi hračku a říká: "Tak Pepíčku, jak se říká?" Pepíček odpoví: "Netuším" Tatínek řekne: "Vzpomeň si, co mi říká…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 7 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 16 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Na mořskou pláž vyleze z vody potápěč a nese v náručí obrovskou perlu. „Kde jste to vzal?“ diví se lidé na pláži. „Tam dole na dně je…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 29 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: November 24 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Manžel na svoji ženu: „Marie, chci sklenici džusu.“ Žena nalije džus z krabice a podává mu ho. „Ty ses zbláznila. Nechci tenhle z…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 12 2024June 12 is actually Democracy Day in my home country Nigeria. As it is a public holiday, it gives me the chance to stay back home and plan properly how the day will be. I did…spartano in #hive-193552 • 7 months agoMi Primer reporte de Actifict: mayo 30 2024Bueno, desde ayer que empecé a usar la aplicación, estoy familiarizandome con la app, me gusta lo sencillo que es. La verdad es que los días que voy al trabajo tengo que caminar…jaminuche19 in #hive-193552 • 7 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: May 9 2024Hello everyone, here is my activity report. Today I did a lot of walking. First I walked to work after work, I went to visit my aunty. Then in the evening I walked back home and…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: July 3 2024Having a normal day includes eating a balanced diet, regularly as well doing a daily exercise. My day started with a 5.1km run. Afterwards, I took a cup of coffee before setting…practicaleric in #actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: January 2 2024.....Terrific Tuesday 👣💨🍃🙌👏💯🙏😇👼💞😴💤☕⛅🎼🎶👌✨🌠Hello everyone 👋, Happy Tuesday, Happy new year 🎉 and a very warm welcome to my world 😊. I am definitely grateful for this day💯, the second day of 2024.So it's been another…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 15 2024Having a wonderful day begins with an exercise for me. I love daily exercise and workout as children love ice cream and as women love roses and as men love #beer. I cannot go a…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 25 2024Today, was a very raining day, everywhere was flooded. So consequently I could not do outdoor exercise. All I just did was just skipping with rope for a count of about 400. I…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 24 2024Today being Monday and the first day of the working week, it was a very busy day for me and I do not have time for myself to do anything personal. My day began with a 5.4km run.…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 22 2024Daily exercise is now a norm for me, I wake up everyday and the first thing I want to do is do my regular exercise. The body needs to be in a very good shape as well as in good…porqpin in #hive-193552 • 6 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 30 2024Today is Sunday, and as usual a resting day for me. I tend to take my family out to the mall for shopping. We need some things in the house for the month of July. The inflation…paprik in #hive-193552 • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: January 2 2024Ahoj přátelé, už je to tady , od zítra opět do zaměstnání, tak vstát ráno dobrou nohou. A ti co už to mají za sebou se těší na jarní prázdniny. Na foto výstavba v Brně. _This…paprik in #hive-193552 • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: December 27 2023Ahoj přátelé, dnes moje aktiva byla práce na brigádě v Brně, řezání dřeva, než se zadřela pila.Byl jsem z toho špatný že se to stalo zrovna mě. Zlepšení přišlo po cvičení doma…