My Actifit Report Card: March 19 2025 Sascha Fitness Collagen / Colágeno de Sascha Fitness

in Actifit9 days ago


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Has it ever happened to you that you want to buy something and because of its price it seems unattainable and when you manage to save and buy it you no longer like it, 🥲😪, well, that's exactly what happened with this product from the line of protein foods and vitamins of the renowned influencer Sascha Fitness.

After starting at the gym I felt like trying these products that improve health, perhaps because of the amount of advertising I've seen on social networks, Sascha Fitness has motivated many to change their lives by transforming fitness beyond a fashion, into a lifestyle, helping people to meet their physical goals. She is Venezuelan and is a reference in the fitness world, although I am not a follower of her recipes nor have I bought her books, I was curious about this collagen supplement, since due to hormonal changes the years came upon me and suddenly I aged more than I would have liked.

Te ha pasado que deseas comprar algo y por su precio te parece inalcanzable y cuando logras ahorrar y lo compras ya no te gusta, 🥲😪, bueno, eso es exactamente es lo que me pasó con este producto de la línea de alimentos proteicos y de vitaminas de la reconocida influencer Sascha Fitness.

Después de comenzar en el gimnasio me entró unas ganas de probar estos productos que mejoran la salud, tal vez por la cantidad de publicidad que he visto en las redes sociales, Sascha Fitness ha motivado a muchos a cambiar sus vidas transformando el fitness más allá que una moda, en un estilo de vida, ayudando a las personas a cumplir sus metas físicas. Ella es venezolana y es un referente en el mundo fitness, aunque no soy seguidora de sus recetas ni he comprado sus libros si tenía curiosidad por este suplemento de colágeno, ya que por cambios hormonales se me vinieron los años encima y de repente envejecí más de lo que me hubiese gustado.




On the label of this product it says that it has Hyaluronic Acid, Petides, Biotin, vitamin C, E among other things and is good for hair, nails and skin, helps with muscle health. The 450 grams container for 35 servings cost me 80$, last year, currently I don't know the price, but it is high for someone whose only income is to create content on Hive 🥲🥴🤪. However, thanks to that, I was able to treat myself to that. I bought it chocolate flavored because I thought that way I would be in no doubt that I would like it.

Inside it has a measuring spoon for portions which I discovered halfway through the pot. When mixed in water it does not have a strong flavor, it is like painted water with a slight chocolate flavor. The idea for it to work is to consume it often and you can drink it with any beverage. The problem is that after a few days I started to get bored and after the first few drinks it no longer provokes me. I have the pot half full, of course I will drink it all, little by little.

En la etiqueta de este producto dice que tiene Ácido Hialurónico, Petidos, Biotina, vitamina C, E entre otras cosas y sirve para el cabello, las uñas y la piel, ayuda con la salud de los músculos. El envase de 450 gramos para 35 porciones me costó 80$, el año pasado, actualmente desconozco el precio, pero es elevado para alguien que su único ingreso es crear contenido en Hive 🥲🥴🤪. Sin embargo, gracias a eso, pude darme ese gusto. Lo compré sabor a chocolate porque pensé que así no me iba a quedar duda de que me gustara.

Adentro tiene una cuchara medidora para las porciones que yo descubrí a la mitad del pote. Al mezclar en agua no tiene un sabor fuerte, queda como agua pintada con un sabor leve a chocolate. La idea para que haga efecto es consumirlo seguido y se puede beber con cualquier bebida. El detalle es que después de unos días empecé a aburrirme y a las primeras tomas ya no me provocan. Tengo el pote por la mitad, por supuesto que lo tomaré todo, poco a poco.


The good thing about this experience is that I didn't keep the urge to buy it, and now that I know that these things, even if they have a mild taste, I can't tolerate them. I will not invest by buying anything else, no creatine as others do, nothing that is in powder form. Today I tried it with coffee. At first the taste reminded me of nescafé mocha, but then I didn't want it anymore.

Do you drink powdered supplements?

Lo bueno de esta experiencia es que no me quedé con las ganas de comprarlo y, ahora que sé que estas cosas, aunque tengan un sabor suave, no las tolero. No invertiré comprando más nada, ni creatina como hacen otros, nada que sea en polvo. Hoy la probé con café, al principio su sabor me recordó al mocacino de nescafé, pero después ya no quería.

¿Tú bebes suplementos en polvo?

Separator: | Own images: Samsung Galaxy A33 and donated by the group | Translation:

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Dancing, Gym
63 cm
155 kg
Body Fat
85 cm
65 cm
95 cm
