My Actifit Report Card: March 22 2025 Course day and exercise /Día de curso y ejercicio 

in Actifit6 days ago


English || Spanish

Today I got up early prepared my breakfast and went out to the bus stop to wait for the bus, although I was on time a neighbor called me when she saw me leaving and wanted to chat a little, I kindly listened to her and left because I did not want to miss the bus my route passes every 15 minutes, I was glad to see that I was on my way. This street is right behind where I live, a humble neighborhood.

I was a little nervous as I was about to start a new weaving course. Arriving at the school where I receive the classes of the course, I took another picture, the streets are empty at all hours, a lot of emigration left Cagua turned into a ghost town. In previous years you could not cross this street.

Hoy me levanté temprano preparé mi desayuno y salí a la parada a esperar el autobús, aunque iba a tiempo una vecina me llamó cuando me vio salir y quería conversar un poco, amablemente la escuche y me fui porque no quería perder el autobús mi ruta pasa cada 15 minutos, me alegró ver que venía en camino. Esta calle queda justo detrás de donde vivo, un barrio humilde.

Iba con algo de nervios, ya que comenzaría un nuevo curso de tejido. Llegando a la escuela donde recibo las clases del curso, tomé otra fotografía, las calles se ven vacías a toda hora, mucha emigración dejó a Cagua convertida en un pueblo fantasma. En años anteriores no se podía cruzar esta calle.



I arrived at the course and all had arrived punctually, I have a lot to learn from these fellow weavers 😉. After three hours leaving somewhat early to go to the gym and not miss the day's training, I passed by the square in the center of the municipality.

In the gym were some colleagues who always ask me to take pictures of them, they like the way they look. I didn't want to go out because I was very sweaty and tired, so one of the guys approached me according to see my shot and what he did was to take a selfi catching me careless and by surprise. 😅 That was the end of my half morning, the rest was history, go home, have lunch, help with the chores and take care of my grandmother and of course create content on my blog. I say goodbye wishing you a happy Sunday and rest.

Llegué al curso y todas habían llegado de forma puntual, tengo mucho que aprender de estas compañeras de tejido 😉. Después de tres horas salir algo temprano para irme al gimnasio y no perder el día de entrenamiento, pasé por la plaza del centro del municipio.

En el gimnasio estaban algunos compañeros que siempre me piden que les saque fotos, le gustan como quedan. Yo no quería salir porque estaba muy sudada y cansada, así que uno de los chicos se me acercó según para ver mi toma y lo que hizo fue tomarnos un selfi agarrándome descuidada y por sorpresa. 😅 Así culminó mi media mañana, el resto fue historia, irme a casa, almorzar, apoyar en los quehaceres y cuidar a mi abuela y por supuesto crear contenido en mi blog. Me despido deseandoles un feliz domingo y que descansen.



Separator: | Own images: Samsung Galaxy A33 and donated by the group | Translation:

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Dancing, Gym, Walking
155 cm
63 kg
Body Fat
85 cm
65 cm
95 cm


Sounds like a lot of very friendly people I hope your class went well!!👍😄
Nice to read your @actifit post enjoy the weekend my friend!!👍😄

Hello, yes everyone is very friendly.

Thank you very much, likewise. 😉

Awesome, my friend, enjoy the weekend!👍😊🤗

Sounds like a busy and productive day for you! Good job with your 5624 @actifit steps! Take care!

Oh yes, thank you very much, best regards.

