My Actifit Report Card: February 6 2024[PL/ENG] Antwerpen Belgium

in Actifitlast year

Antwerpen Belgia. Mimo choroby i gorączki pojechaliśmy z mężem na wycieczkę do Belgii 😊Antwerpia piękne miasto mimo dużego ruchu ,jest cicho i spokojnie 😊

Antwerpen Belgium. Despite the illness and fever, my husband and I went on a trip to Belgium 😊 Antwerp is a beautiful city despite heavy traffic, it's quiet and peaceful 😊

Pospacerowaliśmy , wypiliśmy jak zawsze kawę i udaliśmy się do domu .

We took a walk, drank coffee as usual and went home.

Po drodze wstąpiliśmy do chińskiej restauracji ( jeśli można to tak określić 😁) zamówiłam makaron z kurczakiem a mąż ryż curry . Chcąc nie chcąc trzeba było zjeść pałeczkami , ale ciężko mi się jadło bo córka właścicielki , taka słodka mała dziewczynka , siedziała obok nas i cały czas się patrzyła jak jadłam 😁😁😁

On the way, we stopped at a Chinese restaurant (if you can call it that 😁). I ordered noodles with chicken and my husband ordered curry rice. Like it or not, I had to eat with chopsticks, but it was hard for me to eat because the owner's daughter, such a sweet little girl, was sitting next to us and was watching me eat all the time 😁😁😁

Krępowało mnie to , zwłaszcza , że tak dobrze jak ona nie posługuje się pałeczkami 😁😁😁 poddałam się i wzięłam połowę makaronu do domu 😁😁😁 Po powrocie od razu położyłam się do łóżka bo gorączka wzrosła i bolał mnie każdy centymetr mojego ciała . Mam nadzieję , że szybko mi przejdzie , bo rozmawiając przez telefon z teściową dobrych wieści nie otrzymałam .

It was embarrassing, especially since she doesn't use chopsticks as well as she does 😁😁😁 I gave up and took half of the pasta home 😁😁😁 After returning, I immediately went to bed because the fever had increased and every inch of my body hurt. I hope it will go away quickly, because when I talked to my mother-in-law on the phone, I didn't receive any good news.

Teściu już gorączki nie ma , ale praktycznie nie je i nic nie pije . Teściowa ma gorączkę i też nic nie je i nie pije . Gdy wrócę muszę im pomóc jak najszybciej wyzdrowieć .

My father-in-law no longer has a fever, but he practically doesn't eat or drink anything. My mother-in-law has a fever and is not eating or drinking anything. When I come back, I have to help them recover as quickly as possible.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


I hope your father-in-law recovers quickly......
Beautiful architecture of this town very impressive photos thanks for sharing!😄
Sounds like you had a very nice day, and a very healthy day with over 8K @actifit step take care!😄

Turmeric, lemon, honey and black pepper work very well against the disease. As soon as I get home, I will give it to my in-laws😊

I will remember that, and give it a try, it sounds like it could help with illness!😇🙄

I drink turmeric every morning. When I feel like I have a cold, I drink turmeric twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. 1 small flat teaspoon of turmeric, half a lemon (squeezed lemon juice), a little black pepper, a small teaspoon of honey, a little lukewarm water, mix and drink

Natural remedies like this are always the best, my friend!😊
Somehow, in this day and age, they are often overlooked !
