One of the good things I see with the mass Scot-Tribe tags use is that It has the tendency to clean up the trending tags for content related material. An example is that if you look at the trending for #golf tag, two of the top five have the tag Golf , the vast majority of the rest are #golf or #sportstalk, with just a few spam content post using dlike, but every magazine needs advertisement I guess.
It is not only the #golf tag that is benefiting from the use of all the scot-tribe tags. For people like myself, it has really helped open up the trending pages. The greed has moved away from using popular content tags, to using tribe tags. This is one reason I honestly hope that the tribes continue to limit the number of tags available to use. I think that Steempeak has done themselves a great disservice in allowing more than the five tags.
Content can finally be found in the tags and content people find valuable with out bid bots are showing up on the trending pages. So the ROI'ers the "Money hunters", the just plain greedy, have a ways and means now via the scot-tribe tags to satisfy their growing greed, as long as the number of tags allowed to be used are still limited, then that is great news for content hunters.