STEEM Tribe Tags : Why not using them could Cost you.

in #tribes6 years ago

I still see many posts out there without the use of STEEM Tribe tags. I’m going to explain to you by example why you are losing out if you are one of these posters and not using at least one tag.


Before I go into specifics, some appear to be abusing the tags. Yes, they are great but we should still be able to figure out what your post is about.

I too slipped into this ‘bad habit’ for a couple of posts before I read @abh12345’s post about this very topic. It’s hard to be humble but a kick up the arse can be a good thing sometimes and I now have my own formula for Tribe tags.

Take the latest post I produced yesterday which has a main topic of Golf.


The tags for this post are: #golf #sportstalk #palnet #busy #creativecoin

The main tag for ALL my posts going forward will be directly what the topic is about. #sportstalk is the sports tribe and golf is a sport; no contest with this one.

#palnet is a general tribe which can be used for any type of content. I use #palnet for ALL of my content, having staked 100% of the airdrop.

#busy is simply present so that I can get a vote from #busy. No big secret about this one, though you need to use their dApp at to qualify.

#creativecoin is the one that could be questionable. My post is relating to personal experience and tells a story, straight out of my head.

I did question @dereangedvisions, a moderator on the CreativeCoin Discord channel and he informed me that content of this type does fall under the #creativecoin category.

Seeing that @dereangedvisions upvoted it, well I think that can be taken as an OK.


However, can I ask where is the line drawn? If I walk down the street and tell a story about what happened, it may make for boring reading.

Is that suitable too? Though it technically is the same, eg.. a story that came out of my brain it would be as dull as dishwater.

How about this post. Could it be perceived as 'non-fiction creative content?'

That is one of the CCC categories but I feel #steemleo fits it better, and so have used that one. There are so many grey areas, and I think many of us would like more clarification.


The benefits of using these tags, of course, are the potential rewards. As I mentioned above, let's look at this by example.


STEEM current reward is $8.34 and with the current price of STEEM being at $0.23 that will give me an approximate reward of 35 STEEM. After curation is removed we are looking at 26 STEEM (75/25 split).

Now let’s see what value those THREE tribes can add to this.



SportsTalk current reward is 8924 SPORTS which at the current sell price equates to 26.7 STEEM After curation is removed (50%) we are looking at 13 STEEM (rounded down)




PALNet current reward is 6.38 PAL which at the current sell price equates to 2.5 STEEM After curation is removed (50%) we are looking at 1.5 STEEM (rounded down)




CreativeCoin current reward is 327 CCC which at the current sell price equates to 14 STEEM After curation is removed (50%) we are looking at 7 STEEM (rounded down)


It can be seen that SportsTalk tokens reward rather well right now, or maybe I have just been fortunate. The facts are that by simply using the tags, my potential rewards have increased from 26 STEEM to 47.5 STEEM.

Not too far from doubling is it? Can you now see why you should use Tribe tags?

With those facts out of the way, I will profess to only use tags that I have a stake in. If you are going to use them, for god sake do the decent thing and give something back by doing the same.


By staking them you are doing what STEEM Power is to STEEM. Having a stake in each of the ones you are going to use makes sense to me.

There are only so many I can use, and those are the ones I will continue to hold and add to my stake. Make sure you choose yours wisely and are pertinent to your writing topics and style.



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If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


Okay, so this is probably a silly question but what exactly are the tribe tags? There are so many tags out there... Good information @slobberchips, thanks for your help :)

Hi... most are explained here.

Take time to have a look at the ones your are interested is the link for the tokens and you can check your wallet here. You will have some.

I'm finding it all a bit overwhelming to be honest. The creative coin one is a little disappointing. I'd much prefer that it was kept to content relating to more obviously creative things. I've seen it on a whole load of posts which, as far as I can see, have nothing to do with creativity.

I wrote one yesterday about a piece of handmade glass and ended up with a 2% vote worth 0.00 from cn-ccc. Is that related to creative coin? No idea.

So, as I say, for me it's all a bit too much.

Oh yeah. The day before yesterday I got air dropped some God coins and the following day I got air dropped dporn coins. No rhyme or reason in it all. 😂

Made me laugh though.

The creative coin one is a little disappointing.

This is one of the more interesting ones for me. The fiction writing I do, be it good or bad certainly qualifies and some guidelines have been produced but as I mentioned.. where is the line?

Yeah. Fiction is definitely "in" I feel but in terms of writing a personal story I agree, where is the line? I could put it on any number of my posts if just writing about your life qualifies. But I would prefer it takes a bit more than that.

My life is so strange it counts as fiction most of the time, I think I'll add that creativecointag.

Noooooooo. 😂

Great post! I find that there are too many tribes or tags lately. I don't know any of them nor paid attention to rewards. I did not care much about tags so far, I gotta look more into this . Thanks!

I see what you mean about Steem-related posts getting the most engagement, but it's the one common interest here.

Tribes and tokens have stirred things up around here and kicked off another gold rush. I see people churning out posts to get lots of tokens that could be used to boost content or just to sell off.

I'm not using more than 2 of the tags on a post for now. Palnet on everything plus whichever seems applicable. The creative one seems a bit generic. A specific music one would be ideal for me. I'm staking just about everything so I should build those through my voting.

The tribe sites could form communities where trending is actually relevant. That could be attractive to new users instead of seeing the junk on Steemit trending. One issue is just keeping track of what each site is intended for as it's not always obvious. I don't have time to visit them all and I'm not going to set up multiple accounts to optimise my votes. Just not worth it to me.

Profit is not my only driver. I want to see more people just engaging around what they are into.

I see what you mean about Steem-related posts getting the most engagement, but it's the one common interest here.

Now you know what I mean. I could talk about STEEM until the cows come home, but I would rather not.

The creative one seems a bit generic.

It is, and I have questioned the mods about it, see the post comments. Your music stuff is very relevant. I would use #creativecoin for those.

I'm not going to set up multiple accounts to optimise my votes. Just not worth it to me.

@tarazkp has a good idea for this. Create one account.., send all your tokens to it, give it a little delegation so it doesnt fall foul of RC's, stake them all.. and then get it to follow your main account with a 100% upvote.

This way you can maximise your curation for ALL your tokens without draining the SP on your STEEM account. I will be doing this shortly.

I was going to ask you about your alt account and how you were using it - that seems a good idea.
Although, afterthought, just wondering how it works for downvoting.

It's a little convoluted but based off @tarazkp's idea. Have a read of his post. I may have to post to fully explain how it works.

STEEM for the masses? These kind of complexities will send them running. needs to be more simple.

I think as time passes, people will join a tribe or start using a Dapp rather than joining "steem". That'll be for old school people :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope so, anything to get this token moving!

Yep, the complication is only because we "know too much" whereas in the future, new users will have a much simpler time of it through the app of their choice.

As far as I know, it won't follow my downvotes... i think :D
I will have to look into it though.

send all your tokens to it,

I delegate the tokens I can to them. most of the ones I hold i can do this with except STEM.

Ah, that would be preferable.. I don't want to wait for the un-staking.

What I will do is occasionally send the curation rewards the baby account earns to my main to stake and then delegate. The good thing about SE is that claims can be made from SE, not just the interfaces and delegated from there too. makes the process somewhat easier.

There are a few tribes I have that stakes for (besides STEM) that don't allow delegation, whats all that about?

I have configured my @slobberchops.tri account now, though mine's at 50% weight after seeing your VP in the doldrums. I'll see how it goes.. , only took around 15 minutes to do all this.

Would love to programatically only get the .tri account to vote things that use one or several of the tribe tags, but that is a little custom. The vote can be wasted on many of these posts that are still not using tribe tags.

There are a few tribes I have that stakes for (besides STEM) that don't allow delegation, whats all that about?

It requires an update and takes some time @holger80 or @eonwarped would know why in detail - but they are too busy doing things to explain probably :D

though mine's at 50% weight after seeing your VP in the doldrums.

It is only in the doldrums for Steem VP (and pal) the others it is fine enough. For PAL i don't mind because i don't need to maximize on it, I want to spread it.

Would love to programatically only get the .tri account to vote things that use one or several of the tribe tags, but that is a little custom.

I think does this.

I think does this.

Just what I need.. thanks!

Such a greta post and has me thinking i need to look more into tribes and make sure I am thinking more about the tags I am using palnet is about the only one I am using now

I was using just Palnet for a while, but with CCC, it's usually that too (if the content fits it).

I dont think I have ever used CCC, maybe I should be I must look into it again

It's pretty stressful hahaha - thinking about which tags to use, which to exclude, and what content to add now there seems to be more attention to some categories of content?

I'll be an 'official' curator for CCC from next week and I'll have to think of guidelines. Fiction to me is creative, a personal story told in a conversational way maybe too, but just a general personal post would probably not be curated by me for CCC - but who knows, I'm still thinking about my guidelines. Also, since I curate from one and the same account, sometimes a CCC upvote might happen anyway :D

Anyway, enjoyable post to read!

but just a general personal post would probably not be curated by me for CCC

That's the thing you see, if there are several official curators for CCC, shouldn't you all be using the same guidelines?

Would this be creative...?

I went for a walk, spotted a dog.. and it looked at me.. I took a photograph..

<<dog photograph>>

Then I walked home and I saw a cat.., it purred and I took a photo.... need I go on?

Alright.. this is extreme, but the photograph is unique and could be 'creative'. Would this be flagged because one curator thinks it is, and another would be indifferent and just ignore it?

With the #sportstalk tribe, its quite clear cut.. but CCC is not.

I'm a professional photographer so for me it's easy to distinguish between a cute snapshot and a photograph that took some effort (someone searched for a great composition and/or edited in a fitting way). But I get what you mean - it's up to each curator to 'decide' of your snapshot of a dog is creative - and maybe today it is, tomorrow it isn't.

It's not that problematic that each curator will find different definitions of what is creative. Why? Because if one curator gives you an upvote and the other 9 all upvote something 'more' creative than there's still 'Proof of Creative' in the end :-)

Also, as the creative community grows, and our VP's get drained easily from all the awesome creative art, posts that are not super 'creative' will get less and less upvotes and eventually fade out.

Just enjoy the CCC you can earn right now and consider curating with it as well :-) Creatives are an important 'motor' in this cold and technical world, and we often find it hard to make a living because our skills are always undervalued and underpaid :-)

I like discussing these things and I see it as a huge learning curve we'll al go through :D Maybe CCC is just the start of a lot of spin-off Tribes that reward a very specific kind of creativity, like 'dog photographs taken on the street' :D


I am drowning in some of these as well but often forget to curate more as it also presents a good opportunity to accumulate. So many to chose from will make it interesting in the future!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Apart from the general content tribes like PAL, Lassecash, Neoxian the only one I am sure of tagging correctly is Sportstalk because I do know when I am talking about sports.

There are some grey areas, especially surrounding CCC. I hope things get cleared up soon.

Good post, thank you :)
I'm a bit disappointed with creative coin so far - marked absence of creativity in my feed sometimes! I've started downvoting things which have nothing to do with creativecoin. I'm not interested in reading about steem or IT in that tribe.
I agree the lines are a little blurry about creative non-fiction. I'm reading quite a lot of stuff and wondering what it is doing there. Curation is going to start coming into its own, I think.

creative non-fiction

Something I write a lot of.

Should my SteemMonsters Strategies be 'creative non-fiction'?

There's so many gaming tags I can use I probably wont use it for that.. but it technically covers that.

Steem-monsters - no, it's an article not creative non-fiction. The KS Chronicles were definitely telling a story over a period of time, I could see them published as a book or adapted to tv - maybe a comedy drama. I'm struggling a little with Tasteem, too, mainly because it has so many poorly written reviews that I wouldn't want to see cluttering up a creative feed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I only just started using the creativecoin tag add I am always easy of taking the piss but I have been easier that my stuff is quite creative! Lol. More I just need to get some bloody stake together!

You seem to have been overlooked for the CCC Airdrop, strange. Your stuff is as creative as it comes. They have said there will be further Airdrop's for staked holders.

I was indeed. I don't know what the criteria was. Probably for holding a coin I punted or something. Sob

Did you dump your PALCoin? Many seem to be based off this.

I dumped half of them, still have 1300 or so. I thought it might be that. I have been airdropped just about everything else. Was it a reasonable size of an airdrop?

I got 1000, not sure if this was the 'standard' drop. I sold some LEO but now wish I hadn't.

There's only some of these tribes going to survive I think. Need to make sure we get in with the right ones.

I sold my LEO too simply because it is one that doesnt appeal to me. I hope the creative coin takes off. I like the cut of its gib.

I saw actually in a wallet it said First Wave I will keep my fingers crossed for a second wave.

And yeah, it is totally worth getting shot of some of them because they are mostly doomed over time and only very few will survive and maybe not any after SMTs which will come

very few will survive and maybe not any after SMTs which will come

This is a very good point... but, and it's a big one.. IF SMT's come.... is the question...., while they new team seem better there's still a lot if mistrust out there.

Can they deliver, and will they? it could kill off all this.., will it replace all this? who knows.

Hi friend @slobberchops.

I think you are addressing an issue that could clarify doubts I have about the true utility of tribal tokens or steem-engine tokens.

Does owning these assets provide you with any additional privileges within the tribe? That is, does it give you access to any exclusive service? Or does it simply give you more voting and healing power?

I would like to define these aspects to conclude in some way if the steem-engine tokens could be categorized as "useful" or "security". How do you consider them?

All best, Piotr.

I couldn't tell you if investing in these tokens is a good idea or otherwise.

Having a stake in each is the same as SP, but you get the benefits of curation from several on your posts (if you use the tags), and author rewards (same).

I have a stake in several of the tribes now, but will probably not add to them. Like buying STEEM it is a risk.

Thanks for your comment @slobberchops

I'm also seeing those tokens as quite a risky investment ....

Let's wait and see how those tokens will behave once SMT will be launched.


Good post man. What about STEEMSPEAK ? do you think is worth staking it? I don't see any application going on with it besides the discord channel.

There are a few that don't seem to have the Steem lookalike websites... I think that is Nitrous.. but I may be wrong. This is one of them, Nexion another.

Maybe they are coming.. who knows. If you can't vote on tribe content, what is the advantage of staking them?

I did stake my #nexion despite this, but there is so much info that we still don't know about, or maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.

I have a couple of these Steemspeak tokens and they seem expensive. I haven't done anything with mine yet.

I have bought more Leo and pal with a couple of them... a good trade I think 🤔

Posted using Partiko iOS

One of the good things I see with the mass Scot-Tribe tags use is that It has the tendency to clean up the trending tags for content related material. An example is that if you look at the trending for #golf tag, two of the top five have the tag Golf , the vast majority of the rest are #golf or #sportstalk, with just a few spam content post using dlike, but every magazine needs advertisement I guess.

It is not only the #golf tag that is benefiting from the use of all the scot-tribe tags. For people like myself, it has really helped open up the trending pages. The greed has moved away from using popular content tags, to using tribe tags. This is one reason I honestly hope that the tribes continue to limit the number of tags available to use. I think that Steempeak has done themselves a great disservice in allowing more than the five tags.

Content can finally be found in the tags and content people find valuable with out bid bots are showing up on the trending pages. So the ROI'ers the "Money hunters", the just plain greedy, have a ways and means now via the scot-tribe tags to satisfy their growing greed, as long as the number of tags allowed to be used are still limited, then that is great news for content hunters.

Even I'm on Trending (for Golf). I confess I hadn't looked before, call it a habit.. Trending is a bad word around here!

Steempeak has done themselves a great disservice in allowing more than the five tags.

I have seen these 9 or 10 tag posts but never bothered to check how to was done. 5 is enough for me.

All the new scot-tags, the bid-botters have moved to them, Most of the content tag trending pages are being cleaned up. It is great, if you want to read a fiction story, or see some art, or find other people that enjoy the same content as you, right now the trending pages are actually working, for the most part.

There are so many popping up all over the place. I can't keep them all straight. I don't feel like the rewards I have been getting for using the PALnet tag are that big. I maybe get about three PAL per week. Is it because I am not using the Palnet interface to post my posts?

Is it because I am not using the Palnet interface to post my posts?

No, that's not necessary.

Did you claim your stake,
Did you sell your stake?
Have you staked your stake!?

All these will factor in what you earn.
Confused? me too.

Yes, I have claimed and staked my stake. It is only like 750 tokens.

Just look at is as something extra, it's worth adding the content themed specific tags and generic ones to ALL your posts.

General ones: zzan, neoxian, palnet.

It's crazy isn't it?

Just tag something and 'earn' even more 'money'.

My favourite over-priced tag/ DAPP is defo Actifit - now I've realised you can trade in your tokens for an upvote I can actually work out a current price per step. Maybe silly is more appropriate than crazy.

Of course none of these earnings are actually real. The only question is how long are which of these bubbles going to last?

A week or a few years?

Your guess is as good as mine!

And what will happen if we ever again get double bubble with Steem on the bounce?

I have a few Actifit tokens but never used it much as the next day they are void. I don't tend to write my content the same day as what it is about. Too much hassle for me.

Just tag something and 'earn' even more 'money'.

Makes things interesting doesn't it? Though if you stake them all, it's just more advancing ranks coins (Minnow, Dolphin...) etc....

I can only really stick with a few of them. There seems little point in chopping and changing. I was using #zzan for a while but if you look at the site, it's all Chinese. I may trade it in for something else.

It is interesting LEO suits me quite nicely.

PAL is a no brainer.

Not sure what else... maybe PORN?

I did buy another 100 of those - given the selling power of sex - although I dunno if I want to use the tag that often?!?

I sold my PORN, not something I'm gonna be writing about!

RE: Actifit for STEEM votes.. is it this, and do they nick a STEEM from you for the privilege?

I live the exchange on @actifit . You trade 20 afit for a $1 upvote to a an @actifit post. When you get that vote you receive more afit than you spent for the vote. It's awesome. I average about 2 to 3 of those $1 upvotes a week. When I started doing that I had 7000 or so afit and no I have 12,000 after trading them in as fast as I can. It's been awesome!!!!!!

It's a one off fee - however, there is a very long queue so you can't use it every day, not even every other day!

Sounds great.. NOT! Is it worth sacrificing my paltry 1380 tokens for 1 STEEM or are they about as valuable as Partiko ones? ;)

You can only send 20 AFIT tokens at one time - yes it's worth it, you get a substantial upvote for that.

Somehwere there's someone whose strapped 50 phones to their dog to exploit it I'm sure.

Ah, thanks!

Somehwere there's someone whose strapped 50 phones to their dog to exploit it I'm sure.

Probably!, Is this restricted to Actifit posts :( ?

and Funds password? Cant remember ever entering one.. sigh.. I just wasted a STEEM methinks.

It could get even crazier too soon if people want to start there own websites 😂 I was reading LEO is aimed at "Investing & Finance" content?

It could get even crazier too soon if people want to start there own websites

I think there are still more Tribes to come, a music one would be good, though CCC would cover that, and a Travel one would be nice. These are just my preferences because I blog about them.

And then there are morons like this.


There are specified accounts in many tribes to downvote abuse. I can't see how #battle and #spt are relevant to this one at first glance. I used those for Splinterlands content.

The thing is, who does the down-voting.., and more importantly who finds the time to do it.

It's difficult right now because they are mostly manual or semi-automated.

Tribes can choose to mute the bad actors. Depending on the mute setting, the user may or may not earn any tokens. However, I heard from Marky that it isn't reliable as we are seeing some fish that got through the net.

In the screenshot above, many abusers have chosen to upvote their own comments to reduce risk of detection. It's not apparent on Steem token-based frontends due to their tiny SP, but stick out like a sore thumb on the tribal frontend.

It's kind funny really, these dickheads' behavior corresponds to the way they act before the tribes. Many were flagged by SFR or are on the Global Black List.

I saw a post from Marky about the blacklist encompassing at least some of the tribes, though PALNet (the biggest one) is not included.

Steem Blacklist Notifier 1.0.10 - Now supports STEMGeeks, SteemLeo, Creative Coin, Weedcash, and SplinterTalk

It will take some time to settle down, but with it being more centralised I know certain people have already been given the boot. Is that good or not? We shall see.

It’s a bit overwhelming As others have stated, but there is great potential. I am concerned that people will abuse the tags as I’ve already seen it done. Each tribe will have to step up their monitoring as to combat this abuse. If mods and the communities can keep the abuse down I see these being very productive towards ones account growth.

Posted using Partiko iOS

SPORTS are strangely priced, to say the least. I'm not complaining though.

It's interesting that 'personal' posts are seemingly accepted under the #creativecoin tag - I might be able to contribute occasionally after all. Despite, in my humble opinion, the Engagement League being the most creative way to encourage engagement on Steem, the post didn't qualify.

Bottom line though, use a tribe tag when you can or you are missing out.

SPORTS are strangely priced, to say the least. I'm not complaining though.

Maybe it looks good to have over 1000 of them on a comment reward like I have seen out there. More means better..?

Despite, in my humble opinion, the Engagement League being the most creative way to encourage engagement on Steem, the post didn't qualify.

Hopefully, some clarification will arrive on this post. I hope so. Do my hikes qualify? how about the Urbex posts? I have been given the nod on the latter posts, but it's all too grey.

I was given clarification that the post didn't fit, oh well.

photography qualifies and so I'm sure your hikes could fit in :)

And don't forget to add the #spamfortokens tag.

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