You need to see this!
Only due to stunning my son won. "When a Monster with Stun hits a target, it has a chance to stun the target causing it to skip its next turn." (From the gameplay page)
Review the whole battle at
He's playing the Steem Monsters Staples' account @sm-rules, his own account ist @anjadani.
We want to tell you about this in our next post.
So please come back for more.
PS: It took me only three takes, not six like last time [1], finishing the #photo #shooting for the above screenshot. Haha! This alone had been great fun again. So if you are looking for a Splinterlands battle photographer, let me know. Maybe I'll be on @steemgigs indeed soon. ;-)
PPS: And please be inspired to upvote/comment/resteem. We really enjoy to make the peanuts till ring until it's all gone (keyword Voting Power) [2]. If an article is already more than 7 days old, please visit the author and upvote some current comments or articles.
- [1] 03/30/2019 Two Stonesplitter Orcs retaliated each other, both dying still in the first round
- [2] 03/16/2019 We ran out of RC - Resource Credits 101
Our other past blog posts
- 04/17/2019 Great start into the season - with Level 1 in Silver III
- 04/16/2019 My son's second season bonus (see our rewards)
- 04/15/2019 Steem-Multiversum: What if we are travelling on different planets? - Linking of articles and comments without colonialization*
- 04/12/2019 Richly endowed by @clove71
- 04/04/2019 First gift thanks to community
- 03/28/2019 In detail two more rated internal monsters battles
- 03/26/2019 Novice playing Tournaments
- 03/24/2019 My son's very first season bonus
- 03/22/2019 The flying ability
- 03/22/2019 Our second rated internal monsters battle
- 03/21/2019 Effective season play for beginners
- 03/19/2019 His sister, only age 5
- 03/15/2019 We had our first rated internal monsters battle
- 03/13/2019 Introducing ourselves
Some past blog posts I translated into German
- 03/28/2019 Steem Monsters Legends with @clove71!
- 03/27/2019 Steem Monsters Facebook & Telegram Updates & Giveaway!
- 03/17/2019 If You Find A Steemit User Struggling With "Resource Credits", This Is A Short Post That Helps.
- 03/17/2019 Steem Basics: Resource Credit System for Beginners
Our past blog posts in German
- 17.04.2019 Prima Start in die Saison - mit Level 1 in Silber III
- 17.04.2019 Der zweite Saisonbonus meines Sohnes (schau unsere Belohnungen)
- 14.04.2019 Steem-Multiversum: Was ist, wenn wir auf unterschiedlichen Planeten unterwegs sind? - Verlinken von Artikeln und Kommentaren ohne Kollonialisierung*
- 13.04.2019 Reich beschenkt von @clove71
- 04.04.2019 Erstes Geschenk dank Gemeinschaft
- 31.03.2019 Zwei Steinsplitter-Orks übten gegenseitig Vergeltung, und beide starben noch in der ersten Runde
- 29.03.2019 Im Detail zwei weitere gewertete interne Monsterskämpfe
- 27.03.2019 Anfänger, die Turniere spielen
- 25.03.2019 Der erste Saisonbonus meines Sohnes
- 23.03.2019 Die Flug-Fertigkeit
- 23.03.2019 Unser zweiter gewerteter interner Monster-Kampf
- 22.03.2019 Effektives Saison-Spiel für Einsteiger
- 20.03.2019 Seine Schwester, nur 5 Jahre alt
- 16.03.2019 Uns gingen die RC aus - Resource Credits für Einsteiger von Einsteigern
- 15.03.2019 Wir hatten unseren ersten gewerteten internen Monster-Kampf
- 14.03.2019 Wir stellen uns vor