Yep, it's concerning. Especially with immunity-compromised people around you. They locked up my dad's nursing home as they had a couple cases inside. I may not see my dad again...I mean, that's a reality I suppose.
As for the civil unrest you mention...I started talking about that yesterday...We haven't seen it here, but as the stress, anger, inability to get things, fear, financial pressure and deaths rise so will crime. People will start jumping fences looking for things, and homeowners will respond...Once it takes to the streets...Well, we know how it goes then. This has happened over and over in the world and it doesn't look pretty, or end well for many.
I heard a few US states are talking martial law but am not sure if that's true. I happen to know that the military here have already mobilised (quietly) and so I can only assume it is on the agenda for governments all over the world, but behind closed doors.
I'm flaccid as fuck right now, but I'm a prepared dude, and a dude of action rather than a wait and see guy so maybe that'll place me a little ahead of the game.
Dude, stay safe, watch your six and take care.