Want to lose money fast??
Just add the word wedding to anything and watch your money disappear. We're deep in the planning stage for our wedding at the moment and it's a scary process.
So many bits to organize and every part of it is very expensive. We're watching our budget and I'm very against wasting money on silly side bits but it still adds up.
Dresses 1K
Rings 1K
Suits 1k
Band 4K
Singer 500
Transport 1k
Venue 20K
It can get very serious very fast. And that's without adding nonsense like favors, balloon walls, ice-cream carts or the other shite that they tell you that you need for a good wedding. We've just stuck to the basics of good venue, food and music without the bullshit. That's all that anybody remembers from the good nights.
It's annoying that i need to save the money as a good business opportunity came up this week and i can't jump on it since we're fully in savings mode to pay for all of this. Now you do get a lot of the money back in gifts after but we still need the money upfront to pay for everything. We also bought a house one year ago which wiped out all of my previous savings that could have gone into this.
Renovate and rent.
A friend got in contact this week wanting to look at this property for sale. I spent a year working for them not that long ago as we renovated and restored an old pub into a lovely fit for purpose pub with 12 beds for rent upstairs. They know their way around a renovation and can do most of the work by themselves as well as keeping the cost down.
They liked this property to convert into two apartments for airbnb with a full gutting and rebuild. The property is in a great location and cheap price with grant available but will need a full renovation job like we did on the last one.
This is a direction that i have wanted to go for the past few years and start building up a property portfolio for rent. If he had gotten me last year i could have bought my current house differently and held some funds. If it was next year i would have time to rebuild my savings after the wedding. Unfortunately it's exactly what i want at exactly the wrong time.
All that i can do is hope another chance comes up again with him as we could do 90% of the work ourselves and turn a nice profit over time. I could try to chase down funds but this is not the year to be spending all of my time working on the renovation as we have too much on the plate already.
But the idea was great.
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