My Actifit Report Card: March 20 2025 Walking with grandma / Caminando con la abuela

in Actifit10 days ago


English || Spanish

Greetings friends, I hope you are active and committed to your physical activity, just as I am, taking firm steps every day.

Today I got up earlier than usual because I wanted to be on time for my classes at the gym, I made myself a delicious breakfast of two grilled eggs and a piece of avocado, plus my cup of coffee, with that I was full and I felt satiated all morning, it was the first time I had that combination for breakfast and it gave me enough energy to train with spirit and a lot of desire. I think I will do it more often, since it is avocado season and, although they are expensive, it is a good buy and I deserve it. I forgot to take the picture, it will be for another opportunity.

Saludos amigos, espero que estén activos y comprometidos con su actividad física, así como lo estoy yo, dando pasos firmes cada día.

Hoy me levanté más temprano de lo normal porque quería llegar a tiempo a mis clases en el gimnasio, me hice un rico desayuno de dos huevos a la plancha y un trozo de aguacate, además de mi taza de café, con eso quedé llena y me sentí saciada toda la mañana, era la primera vez que desayunaba esa combinación y me dio la energía suficiente para entrenar con ánimo y muchas ganas. Creo que lo haré más seguido, ya que está la temporada de aguacate y, aunque son costosos iguales, es una compra buena y me lo merezco. Se me olvidó tomar la foto, será para otra oportunidad.






Since I looked slim and toned with the sports clothes I was wearing, I took pictures with a friend from the gym and then as a group.

Once I finished my sports activity, I went to find out the cost of a hammock for my grandmother, which my mom sent me to find out, and at the entrance of the store I found a unique cowboy. It scared me at first, but after seeing his pose I got over it. 🤣😂.

Como me veía delgada y tonificada con la ropa deportiva que cargaba, saqué fotos con una amiga del gimnasio y después grupal.

Una vez terminaba mi actividad deportiva, me fui a averiguar el costo de un chinchorro para mi abuela, que mi mamá me mandó a averiguar, y en la entrada del negocio me encontré un vaquero singular. Al principio me asustó, pero luego de ver su pose se me pasó. 🤣😂.




I left on the bus and came home for lunch, a tasty dish my mom had made. Since I'm dieting I just had mixed salad of tomato, onion, cucumber, spinach, cilantro, my favorite salad, yucca and a pork chop. I had lunch like the gods, and in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock my grandmother had enough energy to want to walk by herself, she took the walker and walked around the patio of the house before sitting down, that was as far as her energy went, but what more can you ask from a 94 year old adult, I also stayed by her side because I am afraid she might get tangled and fall, or forget that she is walking and want to sit down, we never leave her alone because she can hurt herself.

The good thing that my grandma walked without grabbing me is that I was able to take pictures and even record her, I will try to share the video. As you can understand, these steps are few and slow because I go at my grandmother's pace, they take a lot of time out of my day, they leave me tired and at the same time happy that my grandmother is still standing at her age.

Me fui en el bus y llegué a casa para almorzar, un rico plato que mi mamá había hecho. Como estoy haciendo dieta solo comí ensalada mixta de tomate, cebolla, pepino, espinaca, cilantro, mi ensalada favorita, yuca y una chuleta de cerdo. Almorcé como los dioses, y en la tarde a eso de las 3 mi abuela tuvo la energía suficiente para querer caminar por sí sola, ella misma agarro la andadera y le dio una vuelta al patio de la casa antes de sentarse, hasta allí le alcanzó su energía, pero que más se le puede pedir a un adulto mayor de 94 años, de igual forma me mantuve a su lado porque me da miedo que se enrede y se caiga, o se le olvide que está caminando y quiera sentarse, a ella nunca la dejamos sola porque se puede hacer daño.

Lo bueno que mi abuela caminara sin agarrarme es que pude sacarle fotos y hasta grabarla, intentaré compartir el video. Como comprenderán, estos pasos son pocos y lentos porque voy al ritmo de mi abuela, me quitan mucho tiempo del día, me dejan cansada y a la vez feliz porque mi abuela siga de pie a su edad.

Separator: | Own images: Samsung Galaxy A33 and donated by the group | Translation:

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Dancing, Gym, Walking
155 cm
63 kg
Body Fat
85 cm
65 cm
95 cm
