My Actifit Report Card: November 24 2024

in Actifit10 days ago

Dobrý večer, Good evening,

dnešní vtip
Manžel na svoji ženu: „Marie, chci sklenici džusu.“ Žena nalije džus z krabice a podává mu ho. „Ty ses zbláznila. Nechci tenhle z krabice, chci čerstvě vymačkaný!“ Manželka nehne ani brvou, nalije džus ze sklenice na zem a utře ho hadrem. Hadr pak vymačká do sklenice a podá ho mužovi se slovy: „Pij. A opovaž se říct, že není čerstvě vymačkaný.“

today's joke
Husband to his wife: "Mary, I want a glass of juice." The woman pours juice from a carton and hands it to him. "You're crazy. I don't want this one from a carton, I want freshly squeezed!" The wife doesn't even bat an eyelid, pours the juice from the glass onto the floor and wipes it with a rag. She then squeezes the rag into the glass and hands it to the man, saying: "Drink. And don't you dare say it's not freshly squeezed."
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